Benjamin Kimia
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Recognition of shapes by editing their shock graphs
TB Sebastian, PN Klein, BB Kimia
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 26 (5), 550-571, 2004
Shapes, shocks, and deformations I: the components of two-dimensional shape and the reaction-diffusion space
BB Kimia, AR Tannenbaum, SW Zucker
International journal of computer vision 15, 189-224, 1995
On aligning curves
TB Sebastian, PN Klein, BB Kimia
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 25 (1), 116-125, 2003
Recognition of shapes by editing shock graphs.
TB Sebastian, PN Klein, BB Kimia
ICCV 1, 755-762, 2001
Symmetry-based indexing of image databases
D Sharvit, J Chan, H Tek, BB Kimia
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 9 (4), 366-380, 1998
3D object recognition using shape similiarity-based aspect graph
CM Cyr, BB Kimia
Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. ICCV …, 2001
Parts of visual form: Computational aspects
K Siddiqi, BB Kimia
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 17 (3), 239-251, 1995
On the evolution of curves via a function of curvature. I. The classical case
BB Kimia, A Tannenbaum, SW Zucker
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 163 (2), 438-458, 1992
Toward a computational theory of shape: An overview
BB Kimia, A Tannenbaum, SW Zucker
Computer Vision—ECCV 90: First European Conference on Computer Vision …, 1990
On solving 2D and 3D puzzles using curve matching
W Kong, BB Kimia
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE computer society conference on computer vision …, 2001
Deblurring gaussian blur
RA Hummel, B Kimia, SW Zucker
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 38 (1), 66-80, 1987
A shock grammar for recognition
K Siddiqi, BB Kimia
Proceedings CVPR IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and …, 1996
Euler spiral for shape completion
BB Kimia, I Frankel, AM Popescu
International journal of computer vision 54 (1), 159-182, 2003
Geometric heat equation and nonlinear diffusion of shapes and images
BB Kimia, K Siddiqi
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 64 (3), 305-322, 1996
On the local form and transitions of symmetry sets, medial axes, and shocks
PJ Giblin, BB Kimia
International Journal of Computer Vision 54, 143-157, 2003
A formal classification of 3D medial axis points and their local geometry
P Giblin, BB Kimia
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 26 (2), 238-251, 2004
Curves vs. skeletons in object recognition
TB Sebastian, BB Kimia
Signal processing 85 (2), 247-263, 2005
Implementing continuous-scale morphology via curve evolution
G Sapiro, R Kimmel, D Shaked, BB Kimia, AM Bruckstein
Pattern recognition 26 (9), 1363-1372, 1993
A similarity-based aspect-graph approach to 3D object recognition
CM Cyr, BB Kimia
International Journal of Computer Vision 57, 5-22, 2004
Parts of visual form: Psychophysical aspects
K Siddiqi, KJ Tresness, BB Kimia
Perception 25 (4), 399-424, 1996
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