Lisa Dieker
Lisa Dieker
University of Kansas
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Co-teaching at the secondary level: Unique issues, current trends, and suggestions for success
LA Dieker, WW Murawski
The High School Journal 86 (4), 1-13, 2003
Tips and strategies for co-teaching at the secondary level
WW Murawski, LA Dieker
Teaching exceptional children 36 (5), 52-58, 2004
The Future of Simulated Environments in Teacher Education: Current Potential and Future Possibilities
CE Dieker, L. A., Rodriguez, J., Lingnugaris-Kraft, B., Hynes, M., & Hughes
Teacher Education and Special Education 37 (1), 21-23, 2014
What are the characteristics of “effective” middle and high school co-taught teams for students with disabilities?
LA Dieker
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 46 …, 2001
The SAGE handbook of special education
L Florian
SAGE Publications Ltd, 2013
Implications of mixed reality and simulation technologies on special education and teacher preparation
L Dieker, M Hynes, C Hughes, E Smith
Focus on Exceptional Children 40 (6), 1, 2008
50 ways to keep your co-teacher: strategies for before, during, and after co-teaching
WW Murawski, L Dieker
Teaching Exceptional Children 40 (4), 40-48, 2008
A comparison of school-based intervention teams: Implications for educational and legal reform
MW Bahr, E Whitten, L Dieker, CE Kocarek, D Manson
Exceptional Children 66 (1), 67-83, 1999
Evaluating video models of evidence-based instructional practices to enhance teacher learning
LA Dieker, HB Lane, DH Allsopp, C O'Brien, TW Butler, M Kyger, LA Lovin, ...
Teacher Education and Special Education 32 (2), 180-196, 2009
Planning in the middle: Co-planning between general and special education
KE Bryant Davis, L Dieker, C Pearl, RM Kirkpatrick
Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation 22 (3), 208-226, 2012
Using simulated virtual environments to improve teacher performance
LA Dieker, CE Hughes, MC Hynes, C Straub
School-University Partnerships 10 (3), 62-81, 2017
Learning from Virtual Students
Educational Leadership 71 (8), 54-58, 2014
Effective Co-Teaching
LA Dieker, CA Burnett
Teaching exceptional children 29 (1), 5-7, 1996
TLE TeachLivE™: Using technology to provide quality professional development in rural schools
LA Dieker, MC Hynes, CE Hughes, S Hardin, K Becht
Rural Special Education Quarterly 34 (3), 11-16, 2015
Leading the Co-Teaching Dance:: Leadership Strategies to Enhance Team Outcomes
W Murawski, L Dieker
Council for Exceptional Children, 2013
Ludic learning: Exploration of TLE TeachLivE™ and effective teacher training
AT Hayes, CL Straub, LA Dieker, CE Hughes, MC Hynes
International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS) 5 …, 2013
Secondary reading: Not just for reading teachers anymore
LA Dieker, M Little
Intervention in school and clinic 40 (5), 276-283, 2005
Reflective teaching: A process for analyzing journals of preservice educators
LA Dieker, LE Monda-Amaya
Teacher Education and Special Education 18 (4), 240-252, 1995
The future of artificial intelligence in special education technology
MT Marino, E Vasquez, L Dieker, J Basham, J Blackorby
Journal of Special Education Technology 38 (3), 404-416, 2023
Using virtual rehearsal in TLE TeachLivE™ mixed reality classroom simulator to determine the effects on the performance of mathematics teachers
C Straub, L Dieker, M Hynes, C Hughes
2014 TeachLive National Research Project: Year 1 Findings, 1-50, 2014
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