Wai Fung Lam
Wai Fung Lam
Professor of Politics and Public Administration, The University of Hong Kong
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Governing Irrigation Systems in Nepal: Institutions, Infrastructure, and Collective Action
WF Lam
Infrastructure, and Collective Action, Oakland, CA: Institute for …, 1998
Institutional Design of Public Agencies and Coproduction: A study of Irrigation Associations in Taiwan
WF Lam
State-Society Synergy: Government and Social Capital in Development, 11-47, 1997
Institutional Design of Public Agencies and Coproduction: A study of Irrigation Associations in Taiwan
WF Lam
World Development 24 (6), 1039-1054, 1996
Institutional Design of Public Agencies and Coproduction: A Study of Irrigation Associations in Taiwan
WF Lam
Polycentric Governance and Development: Readings from the Workshop in …, 1999
Improving the Performance of Small-Scale Irrigation Systems: The Effects of Technological Investments and governance structure on irrigation performance in Nepal
WF Lam
Polycentric Governance and Development, 269-295, 1999
Improving the Performance of Small-Scale Irrigation Systems: The Effects of Technological Investments and Governance Structure on Irrigation Performance in Nepal
WF Lam
World development 24 (8), 1301-1315, 1996
Analyzing the Dynamic Complexity of Development Interventions: Lessons from an Irrigation Experiment in Nepal
WF Lam, E Ostrom
Policy Sciences 43 (1), 1-25, 2010
The Performance of Self-governing Irrigation Systems in Nepal
E Ostrom, WF Lam, M Lee
Human Systems Management 13 (3), 197-207, 1994
Institutions, Incentives, and Irrigation in Nepal
P Benjamin, WF Lam, E Ostrom, G Shivakoti
US. AID, 1994
How Authoritarianism Intensifies Punctuated Equilibrium: The Dynamics of Policy Attention in Hong Kong
WF Lam, KN Chan
Governance 28 (4), 549-570, 2015
Institutional opportunities and constraints in the performance of farmer-managed irrigation systems in Nepal
NN Joshi, E Ostrom, GP Shivakoti, WF Lam
Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development 10 (2), 67-92, 2000
Coping with Change: A study of Local Irrigation Institutions in Taiwan
WF Lam
World Development 29 (9), 1569-1592, 2001
Improving irrigation in Asia: Sustainable performance of an innovative intervention in Nepal
E Ostrom, WF Lam, P Pradhan, GP Shivakoti
Improving Irrigation in Asia, 2011
Asian irrigation in transition: Responding to challenges
G Shivakoti
Sage, 2005
Public policymaking in Hong Kong: Civic engagement and state-society relations in a semi-democracy
EWY Lee, EYM Chan, JCW Chan, PTY Cheung, WF Lam, WM Lam
Routledge, 2013
The Role of the Nonprofit Sector in Hong Kong's Development
WF Lam, JL Perry
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 11 …, 2000
Online or offline? Nonprofits’ choice and use of social media in Hong Kong
WF Lam, L Nie
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 31 …, 2020
Coordinating the Government Bureaucracy in Hong Kong: An Institutional Analysis
WF Lam
GOVERNANCE-OXFORD- 18 (4), 633, 2005
The Institutional Analysis and Development Framework: Application to Irrigation Policy in Nepal
WF Lam, M Lee, E Ostrom
Policy Analysis Concepts and Methods: An Institutional and Implementation …, 1997
Institutions, engineering infrastructure, and performance in the governance and management of irrigation systems: The case of Nepal
WF Lam
Indiana University, 1994
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