Jeff Calder
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Zitiert von
Improved spectral convergence rates for graph Laplacians on ε-graphs and k-NN graphs
J Calder, NG Trillos
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 60, 123-175, 2022
Poisson learning: Graph based semi-supervised learning at very low label rates
J Calder, B Cook, M Thorpe, D Slepcev
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1306-1316, 2020
Lipschitz regularized deep neural networks converge and generalize
AM Oberman, J Calder
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.09540, 2018
The game theoretic p-Laplacian and semi-supervised learning with few labels
J Calder
Nonlinearity 32 (1), 301, 2018
Consistency of Lipschitz learning with infinite unlabeled data and finite labeled data
J Calder
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 1 (4), 780-812, 2019
Properly-weighted graph Laplacian for semi-supervised learning
J Calder, D Slepčev
Applied mathematics & optimization 82, 1111-1159, 2020
Analysis and algorithms for ℓp-based semi-supervised learning on graphs
M Flores, J Calder, G Lerman
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 60, 77-122, 2022
Multicriteria similarity-based anomaly detection using Pareto depth analysis
KJ Hsiao, KS Xu, J Calder, AO Hero
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 27 (6), 1307-1321, 2015
Optimal real-time Q-ball imaging using regularized Kalman filtering with incremental orientation sets
R Deriche, J Calder, M Descoteaux
Medical image analysis 13 (4), 564-579, 2009
Image sharpening via Sobolev gradient flows
J Calder, A Mansouri, A Yezzi
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 3 (4), 981-1014, 2010
Lipschitz regularity of graph Laplacians on random data clouds
J Calder, N García Trillos, M Lewicka
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 54 (1), 1169-1222, 2022
Rates of convergence for Laplacian semi-supervised learning with low labeling rates
J Calder, D Slepčev, M Thorpe
Research in the Mathematical Sciences 10, 2023
Pareto-depth for multiple-query image retrieval
KJ Hsiao, J Calder, AO Hero
IEEE Transactions on Image processing 24 (2), 583-594, 2014
The limit shape of convex hull peeling
J Calder, CK Smart
A Hamilton--Jacobi equation for the continuum limit of nondominated sorting
J Calder, S Esedoglu, AO Hero
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 46 (1), 603-638, 2014
Lecture notes on viscosity solutions
J Calder
Lecture notes, 2018
Graph-based active learning for semi-supervised classification of SAR data
K Miller, J Mauro, J Setiadi, X Baca, Z Shi, J Calder, AL Bertozzi
Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXIX 12095, 126-139, 2022
A variational approach to bone segmentation in CT images
J Calder, AM Tahmasebi, AR Mansouri
SPIE Medical Imaging, 79620B-15, 2011
A PDE-based approach to nondominated sorting
J Calder, S Esedoglu, AO Hero
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 53 (1), 82-104, 2015
Uniform convergence rates for Lipschitz learning on graphs
L Bungert, J Calder, T Roith
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 43 (4), 2445-2495, 2023
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