José Manuel Galán
José Manuel Galán
Sonstige NamenJosé Manuel Galán Ordax
Universidad de Burgos (RoR 049da5t36)
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Errors and artefacts in agent-based modelling
JM Galán, LR Izquierdo, SS Izquierdo, JI Santos, R Del Olmo, ...
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 12 (1), 1-1, 2009
Modelado de sistemas complejos mediante simulación basada en agentes y mediante dinámica de sistemas
LR Izquierdo, JM Galán, JI Santos, R del Olmo
EMPIRIA. Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales, 85-112, 2008
A new approach for project control under uncertainty. Going back to the basics
F Acebes, J Pajares, JM Galán, A López-Paredes
International Journal of Project Management 32 (3), 423–434, 2014
An agent‐based model for domestic water management in Valladolid metropolitan area
JM Galán, A López‐Paredes, R Del Olmo
Water Resources Research 45 (5), 2009
Appearances can be deceiving: Lessons learned re-implementing Axelrod's' evolutionary approach to norms'
JM Galan, LR Izquierdo
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 8 (3), 2005
Stochastic earned value analysis using Monte Carlo simulation and statistical learning techniques
F Acebes, M Pereda, D Poza, J Pajares, JM Galán
International Journal of Project Management 33 (7), 1597-1609, 2015
Techniques to understand computer simulations: Markov chain analysis
LR Izquierdo, SS Izquierdo, JM Galán, JI Santos
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 12 (1), 6, 2009
Beyond earned value management: A graphical framework for integrated cost, schedule and risk monitoring
F Acebes, J Pajares, JM Galán, A López-Paredes
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 74, 181-189, 2013
Assessment of resistance spot welding quality based on ultrasonic testing and tree-based techniques
Ó Martín, M Pereda, JI Santos, JM Galán
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (11), 2478–2487, 2014
Asking the Oracle: Introducing Forecasting Principles into Agent-Based Modelling
S Hassan, J Arroyo, JM Galán, L Antunes, J Pavón
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 16 (3), 13, 2013
Urban water management with artificial societies of agents: The FIRMABAR simulator
A López-Paredes, D Saurí, JM Galán
Simulation 81 (3), 189-199, 2005
Aplicaciones de las TIC en el nuevo modelo de enseñanza del EEES
JI Santos, JM Galán, LR Izquierdo, R del Olmo
Dirección y Organización, 5-11, 2009
Food for all: An agent-based model to explore the emergence and implications of cooperation for food storage
A Angourakis, JI Santos, JM Galán, AL Balbo
Environmental Archaeology 20 (4), 349-363, 2015
Emergence and evolution of cooperation under resource pressure
M Pereda, D Zurro, JI Santos, IB i Godino, M Álvarez, J Caro, JM Galán
Scientific Reports 7, 45574, 2017
A brief introduction to the use of machine learning techniques in the analysis of agent-based models
M Pereda, JI Santos, JM Galán
Advances in Management Engineering, 179-186, 2017
Multi-agent technology for scheduling and control projects in multi-project environments. An Auction based approach
JA Arauzo, JM Galán, J Pajares, A López-Paredes
Inteligencia artificial. Revista iberoamericana de inteligencia artificial …, 2009
Quality assessment of resistance spot welding joints of AISI 304 stainless steel based on elastic nets
Ó Martín, V Ahedo, JI Santos, P De Tiedra, JM Galán
Materials Science and Engineering: A 676, 173-181, 2016
Axelrod's metanorm games on networks
JM Galán, MM Łatek, SMM Rizi
PLoS One 6 (5), e20474, 2011
Effect of resource spatial correlation and hunter-fisher-gatherer mobility on social cooperation in tierra del fuego.
JI Santos, M Pereda, D Zurro, M Álvarez, J Caro, JM Galán, I Briz I Godino
PLoS ONE 10 (4), e0121888, 2015
Direct quality prediction in resistance spot welding process: Sensitivity, specificity and predictive accuracy comparative analysis
M Pereda, JI Santos, Ó Martín, JM Galán
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 20 (8), 679-685, 2015
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