Muhammad Barzani Gasim
Muhammad Barzani Gasim
Principle Research Fellow
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Floods in Malaysia historical reviews, causes, effects and mitigations approach
T Mohd Ekhwan, G Muhammad Barzani
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations 2 (4), 59-65, 2014
Academic achievement in biology with suggested solutions in selected secondary schools in Kano State, Nigeria
AR Ali, ME Toriman, MB Gasim
International Journal of Education and Research 2 (11), 215-224, 2014
A physico-chemical assessment of the Bebar River, Pahang, Malaysia
MB Gasim, BS Ismail, E Toriman, SI Mir, TC Chek
Global Journal of Environmental Research 1 (1), 7-11, 2007
The application of vertical electrical sounding (VES) for groundwater exploration in Tudun Wada Kano state, Nigeria
MG Abdullahi, ME Toriman, MB Gasim
Journal of Geology & Geosciences 4 (01), 4-6, 2015
Hydrology and water quality and land-use assessment of Tasik Chini’s feeder rivers, Pahang Malaysia
MB Gasim, ME Toriman, SA Rahim, MS Islam, CC Tan, H Juahir
Geografia 3 (3), 1-16, 2006
Temporal variability on lowland river sediment properties and yield
ME Toriman, MKA Kamarudin, SM SA, MH Idris, NR Jamil, MB Gasim
American Journal of Environmental Sciences 5 (5), 657-663, 2009
River flow conditions and dynamic state analysis of Pahang River
G Muhammad Barzani
American Journal of Applied Sciences 10 (1), 42-57, 2013
Integrated water resource management and pollution sources in Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia
MB Gasim, ET Ismail Sahid, JJ Pereira, M Mokhtar, MP Abdullah
American-Eurasian J Agric Environ Sci 5, 725-732, 2009
The environmental risk and water pollution: A review from the river basins around the world
AB Bhuiyan, MB Mokhtar, ME Toriman, MB Gasim, GC Ta, R Elfithri, ...
American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 7 (2), 126-136, 2013
Assessment of total suspended sediment and bed sediment grains in upstream areas of Lata Berangin, Terengganu
N Abd Wahab, MKA Kamarudin, MB Gasim, R Umar, FM Ata, ...
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2016
Hydrological assessment and water quality characteristics of Chini Lake, Pahang, Malaysia
MS Islam, BS Ismail, GM Barzani, AR Sahibin, TM Ekhwan
American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci 12 (6), 737-749, 2012
Integration of 1-d hydrodynamic model and GIS approach in flood management study in Malaysia
ME Toriman, AJ Hassan, MB Gazim, M Mokhtar, SM SA, O Jaafar, ...
Research Journal of Earth Sciences 1 (1), 22-27, 2009
Use of 137Cs activity to investigate sediment movement and transport modeling in river coastal environment.
ME Toriman, MBG Muhamad Barzani Gasim, ZY Zulkifli Yusop, ...
Coastal erosion measurement along Tanjung Lumpur to Cherok Paloh, Pahang during the northeast monsoon season
A Azid, CNC Hasnam, H Juahir, MA Amran, ME Toriman, MKA Kamarudin, ...
Jurnal Teknologi 74 (1), 2015
The influence of tidal activities on water quality of Paka River Terengganu, Malaysia
MB Gasim, NA Khalid, H Muhamad
Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences 19 (5), 979-990, 2015
Use of InfoWork RS in modeling the impact of urbanisation on sediment yield in Cameron Highlands Malaysia
ME Toriman, OA Karim, M Mokhtar, MB Gazim, MP Abdullah
Nat Sci 201 (8), 2010
Analisis banjir disember 2006: Tumpuan di kawasan bandar Segamat, Johor
MB Gasim, S Surif, M Mokhtar, ME Toriman, SA Rahim, CH Bee
Sains Malaysiana 39 (3), 353-361, 2010
Trends analysis of groundwater: using non-parametric methods in Terengganu Malaysia
MG Abdullahi, ME Toriman, MB Gasim, I Garba
Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change 6 (1), 1-3, 2015
GIS-based analysis of water quality deterioration in the Nerus River, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
HMA Alssgeer, MB Gasim, MM Hanafiah, ERA Abdulhadi, A Azid
Desalination Water Treat 112, 334-343, 2018
Coastal flood phenomenon in Terengganu, Malaysia: Special reference to Dungun
MB Gasim, JH Adam, ME Toriman, SA Rahim, H Juahir
Research Journal of Environmental Sciences 1 (3), 102-109, 2007
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