Colin Chartres
Colin Chartres
CEO, The Crawford Fund
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Climate-smart agriculture global research agenda: scientific basis for action
KL Steenwerth, AK Hodson, AJ Bloom, MR Carter, A Cattaneo, ...
Agriculture & Food Security 3, 1-39, 2014
Migration of phosphate into aggregated particles of ferrihydrite
IR Willett, CJ Chartres, TT Nguyen
Journal of Soil Science 39 (2), 275-282, 1988
Out of water: from abundance to scarcity and how to solve the world's water problems
C Chartres, S Varma
FT Press, 2010
The effects of fire on the soil in a degraded semiarid woodland. I. Cryptogam cover and physical and micromorphological properties
RSB Greene, CJ Chartres, KC Hodgkinson
Soil Research 28 (5), 755-777, 1990
A rule‐based system to map soil properties
SE Cook, RJ Corner, G Grealish, PE Gessler, CJ Chartres
Soil Science Society of America Journal 60 (6), 1893-1900, 1996
Sustainable intensification: overcoming land and water constraints on food production
CJ Chartres, A Noble
Food security 7, 235-245, 2015
Micromorphology and significance of the surface crusts of soils in rangelands near Cobar, Australia
HJ Mücher, CJ Chartres, DJ Tongway, RSB Greene
Geoderma 42 (3-4), 227-244, 1988
Can Australia overcome its water scarcity problems?
C Chartres, J Williams
Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture 1 (1), 17-24, 2006
Poorly ordered silica and aluminosilicates as temporary cementing agents in hard‐setting soils
CJ Chartres, JM Kirby, M Raupach
Soil Science Society of America Journal 54 (4), 1060-1067, 1990
The effect of sodium and calcium on physical properties and micromorphology of two red‐brown earth soils
RSB Greene, P Rengasamy, GW Ford, CJ Chartres, JJ Millar
Journal of Soil Science 39 (4), 639-648, 1988
Adapting to climate change by improving water productivity of soils in dry areas
M Qadir, AD Noble, C Chartres
Land Degradation & Development 24 (1), 12-21, 2013
The effect of Aeolian accessions on soil development on granitic-rocks in south eastern Australia. II. Oxygen-isotope, mineralogical and geochemical evidence for Aeolian deposition
CJ Chartres, AR Chivas, PH Walker
Soil Research 26 (1), 17-31, 1988
Sustaining productive pastures in the tropics 1. Managing the soil resource
J Williams, CJ Chartres
Tropical Grasslands 25 (2), 73-84, 1991
Water and the future of humanity: revisiting water security
B Braga, C Chartres, WJ Cosgrove, LV da Cunha, PH Gleick, P Kabat, ...
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2014
Soil crusting in Australia.
CJ Chartres
A Quaternary soil sequence in the Kennet Valley, central southern England
CJ Chartres
Geoderma 23 (2), 125-146, 1980
The effects of fire on the soil in a degraded semiarid woodland. II. Susceptibility of the soil to erosion by shallow rain impacted flow
PIA Kinnell, CJ Chartres, CL Watson
Soil Research 28 (5), 779-794, 1990
The effects of gypsum on macroporosity and crusting of two red duplex soils
CJ Chartres, RSB Greene, GW Ford, P Rengasamy
Soil Research 23 (4), 467-479, 1985
Sodic soils-an introduction to their formation and distribution in Australia
CJ Chartres
Soil Research 31 (6), 751-760, 1993
The effect of Aeolian accessions on soil development on granitic-rocks in south eastern Australia. I. Soil morphology and particle-size distributions
PH Walker, CJ Chartres, J Hutka
Soil Research 26 (1), 1-16, 1988
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