Feihong Liu
Feihong Liu
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Breast mass detection in digital mammogram based on gestalt psychology
H Wang, J Feng, Q Bu, F Liu, M Zhang, Y Ren, Y Lv
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2018 (1), 4015613, 2018
Smile: Sparse-attention based multiple instance contrastive learning for glioma sub-type classification using pathological images
M Lu, Y Pan, D Nie, F Liu, F Shi, Y Xia, D Shen
MICCAI Workshop on Computational Pathology, 159-169, 2021
DeepBundle: fiber bundle parcellation with graph convolution neural networks
F Liu, J Feng, G Chen, Y Wu, Y Hong, PT Yap, D Shen
Graph Learning in Medical Imaging: First International Workshop, GLMI 2019 …, 2019
Fast multi-contrast MRI acquisition by optimal sampling of information complementary to pre-acquired MRI contrast
J Yang, XX Li, F Liu, D Nie, P Lio, H Qi, D Shen
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 42 (5), 1363-1373, 2022
Gaussianization of diffusion MRI data using spatially adaptive filtering
F Liu, J Feng, G Chen, D Shen, PT Yap
Medical image analysis 68, 101828, 2021
Adult-like phase and multi-scale assistance for isointense infant brain tissue segmentation
J Liu, F Liu, K Sun, M Liu, Y Sun, Y Ge, D Shen
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2023
Invariant Content Synergistic Learning for Domain Generalization on Medical Image Segmentation
Y Kang, H Li, X Zhao, X Shi, F Liu, Q Yan, Y Guo, L Cui, J Feng, L Yang
2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2022
Does perfect filtering really guarantee perfect phase correction for diffusion MRI data?
F Liu, J Yang, M Feng, Z Cui, X He, L Zhou, J Feng, D Shen
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 103, 102160, 2023
Multi-object segmentation for abdominal CT image based on visual patch classification
P Li, J Feng, QR Bu, F Liu, HY Wang
Computer Vision: CCF Chinese Conference, CCCV 2015, Xi'an, China, September …, 2015
SPR-Net: Structural Points Based Registration for Coronary Arteries Across Systolic and Diastolic Phases
X Zhang, F Liu, Y Gu, X Xiong, C Jiang, J Feng, D Shen
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2023
Context-Aware Superpixel and Bilateral Entropy—Image Coherence Induces Less Entropy
F Liu, X Zhang, H Wang, J Feng
Entropy 22 (1), 20, 2019
Multi-Kernel Filtering for Nonstationary Noise: An Extension of Bilateral Filtering Using Image Context
F Liu, J Feng, PT Yap, D Shen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.06307, 2019
Global Bank: A guided pathway of encoding and decoding for pathological image analysis
H Li, B Kang, Y Kang, F Liu, W Hui, Q Bo, C Wang, L Yang, L Cui, J Feng
2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2019
Normalized euclidean super-pixels for medical image segmentation
F Liu, J Feng, W Su, Z Lv, F Xiao, S Qiu
Intelligent Computing Methodologies: 13th International Conference, ICIC …, 2017
An accelerated superpixel generation algorithm based on 4-labeled-neighbors
H Feng, F Xiao, Q Bu, F Liu, L Cui, J Feng
Computer Vision: Second CCF Chinese Conference, CCCV 2017, Tianjin, China …, 2017
GO: A two-step generative optimization method for point cloud registration
Y Zhao, J Deng, F Liu, W Tang, J Feng
Computers & Graphics 119, 103904, 2024
Structure-aware registration network for liver DCE-CT images
P Xue, J Zhang, L Ma, M Liu, Y Gu, J Huang, F Liu, Y Pan, X Cao, D Shen
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024
A Robust Training Method for Pathological Cellular Detector via Spatial Loss Calibration
H Li, Y Kang, W Yang, Z Wu, X Shi, F Liu, J Liu, L Hu, Q Ma, L Cui, J Feng, ...
Frontiers in Medicine 8, 767625, 2021
Multi-Object Segmentation for Abdominal CT Images Based on Gestalt Cognitive Framework
F Jun, LIU Fei-hong, LI Pan, BU Qi-rong, W Hong-yu
Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 39 (5), 51, 2016
Gaussianization of Diffusion MRI Magnitude Data Using Spatially Adaptive Phase Correction
F Liu, G Chen, J Feng, PT Yap, D Shen
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