Phani Nukala
Phani Nukala
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Statistical models of fracture
MJ Alava, PKVV Nukala, S Zapperi
Advances in Physics 55 (3-4), 349-476, 2006
Submatrix updates for the continuous-time auxiliary-field algorithm
E Gull, P Staar, S Fuchs, P Nukala, MS Summers, T Pruschke, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (7), 075122, 2011
A mixed finite element for three-dimensional nonlinear analysis of steel frames
PKVV Nukala, DW White
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 193 (23-26), 2507-2545, 2004
Crack roughness and avalanche precursors in the random fuse model
S Zapperi, PKVV Nukala, S Šimunović
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (2 …, 2005
Statistical properties of fracture in a random spring model
PKVV Nukala, S Zapperi, S Šimunović
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (6 …, 2005
Size effects in statistical fracture
MJ Alava, PKVV Nukala, S Zapperi
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (21), 214012, 2009
A continuous damage random thresholds model for simulating the fracture behavior of nacre
PKVV Nukala, S Simunovic
Biomaterials 26 (30), 6087-6098, 2005
Fracture strength of disordered media: Universality, interactions, and tail asymptotics
C Manzato, A Shekhawat, PKVV Nukala, MJ Alava, JP Sethna, S Zapperi
Physical review letters 108 (6), 065504, 2012
Role of disorder in the size scaling of material strength
MJ Alava, PKVV Nukala, S Zapperi
Physical review letters 100 (5), 055502, 2008
A return mapping algorithm for cyclic viscoplastic constitutive models
PKVV Nukala
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 195 (1-3), 148-178, 2006
An efficient algorithm for simulating fracture using large fuse networks
PKVV Nukala, S Simunovic
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (45), 11403, 2003
Statistical physics models for nacre fracture simulation
PKVV Nukala, S Šimunović
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (4 …, 2005
Variationally consistent state determination algorithms for nonlinear mixed beam finite elements
PKVV Nukala, DW White
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 193 (33-35), 3647-3666, 2004
Percolation and localization in the random fuse model
PKVV Nukala, S Šimunović, S Zapperi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2004 (08), P08001, 2004
Crack avalanches in the three-dimensional random fuse model
S Zapperi, PKVV Nukala, S Šimunović
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 357 (1), 129-133, 2005
A fast and efficient algorithm for Slater determinant updates in quantum Monte Carlo simulations
PKVV Nukala, PRC Kent
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (20), 2009
Fast update algorithm for the quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the Hubbard model
PKVV Nukala, TA Maier, MS Summers, G Alvarez, TC Schulthess
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (19), 195111, 2009
Crack roughness in the two-dimensional random threshold beam model
PKVV Nukala, S Zapperi, MJ Alava, S Šimunović
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (4 …, 2008
Modeling of strain rate effects in automotive impact
S Simunovic, PKVV Nukala, J Fekete, D Meuleman, M Milititsky
SAE transactions, 733-743, 2003
Three-dimensional second-order inelastic analysis of steel frames
PKVV Nukala
Purdue University, 1997
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