Bo Lin
Bo Lin
Visiting Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Convexity in tree spaces
B Lin, B Sturmfels, X Tang, R Yoshida
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 31 (3), 2015-2038, 2017
Tropical Fermat--Weber points
B Lin, R Yoshida
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 32 (2), 1229-1245, 2018
Tropical geometry of phylogenetic tree space: a statistical perspective
A Monod, B Lin, R Yoshida, Q Kang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.12400, 2018
Frequency modulation of body waves to improve performance of sidewinding robots
B Chong, T Wang, JM Rieser, B Lin, A Kaba, G Blekherman, H Choset, ...
The International Journal of Robotics Research 40 (12-14), 1547-1562, 2021
Reconstruction of backbone curves for snake robots
T Wang, B Lin, B Chong, J Whitman, M Travers, DI Goldman, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 3264-3270, 2021
Tropical foundations for probability & statistics on phylogenetic tree space
B Lin, A Monod, R Yoshida
Tropical optimal transport and Wasserstein distances
W Lee, W Li, B Lin, A Monod
Information Geometry 5 (1), 247-287, 2022
Moving sidewinding forward: optimizing contact patterns for limbless robots via geometric mechanics
B Chong, T Wang, B Lin, S Li, H Choset, G Blekherman, D Goldman
Robotics: science and systems 17, 2021
Linear and rational factorization of tropical polynomials
B Lin, NM Tran
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.03332, 2017
Towards a tropical Hodge bundle
B Lin, M Ulirsch
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Selected Papers From the 2016 …, 2017
Optimizing coordinate choice for locomotion systems with toroidal shape spaces
B Lin, B Chong, Y Ozkan-Aydin, E Aydin, H Choset, DI Goldman, ...
2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2020
Tropical Geometry of Phylogenetic Tree Space: A Statistical Perspective. 2019
A Monod, B Lin, R Yoshida, Q Kang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.12400, 0
Tropical geometric variation of tree shapes
B Lin, A Monod, R Yoshida
Discrete & Computational Geometry 68 (3), 817-849, 2022
Computing linear systems on metric graphs
B Lin
Journal of Symbolic Computation 87, 54-67, 2018
Gait design for limbless obstacle aided locomotion using geometric mechanics
B Chong, T Wang, D Irvine, V Kojouharov, B Lin, H Choset, DI Goldman, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.06561, 2023
Bounding the number of linear regions in local area for neural networks with relu activations
R Zhu, B Lin, H Tang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.06803, 2020
Two-player incentive compatible outcome functions are affine maximizers
B Lin, NM Tran
Linear Algebra and its Applications 578, 133-152, 2019
Sampling and estimation.
RB Kline
American Psychological Association, 2013
Almost-toric hypersurfaces
B Lin
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie/Contributions to Algebra and Geometry 57 …, 2016
Reconstruction of Backbone Curves for 3-D Locomotion of Limbless Robots
T Wang, B Lin, B Chong, J Whitman, M Travers, D Goldman, H Choset, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021, R14. 005, 2021
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