Jawad Mahmud Hoque
Jawad Mahmud Hoque
PhD in Transportation Engineering, University of Kentucky; WSP USA
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Why has public transit ridership declined in the United States?
GD Erhardt, JM Hoque, V Goyal, S Berrebi, C Brakewood, KE Watkins
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 161, 68-87, 2022
Estimating the uncertainty of traffic forecasts from their historical accuracy
JM Hoque, GD Erhardt, D Schmitt, M Chen, M Wachs
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 147, 339-349, 2021
The changing accuracy of traffic forecasts
JM Hoque, GD Erhardt, D Schmitt, M Chen, A Chaudhary, M Wachs, ...
Transportation 49 (2), 445-466, 2022
Recent Decline in Public Transportation Ridership: Analysis, Causes, and Responses
K Watkins, S Berrebi, G Erhardt, J Hoque, V Goyal, C Brakewood, ...
TCRP Research Report, 2021
Traffic Forecasting Accuracy Assessment Research
GD Erhardt, J Hoque, M Chen, R Souleyrette, D Schmitt, A Chaudhary, ...
NCHRP Research Report, 2020
Are public transit investments based on accurate forecasts? An analysis of the improving trend of transit ridership forecasts in the United States
JM Hoque, I Zhang, D Schmitt, GD Erhardt
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 186, 104142, 2024
Recent Decline in Public Transportation Ridership: Hypotheses, Methodologies, and Detailed City-by-City Results
K Watkins, S Berrebi, G Erhardt, J Hoque, V Goyal, C Brakewood, ...
TCRP Synthesis of Transit Practice, 2022
Moreno, AT, Nouli, G., Ahmed, U., Schiffer, M., Moeckel, R.
JM Hoque, I Zhang, D Schmitt, GD Erhardt, VS Goyal, N Stamatiadis, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 78, 499-506, 2024
T-SCORE Project M1-Multi-Modal Optimization: Development of Optimization Frameworks on On-Demand Multimodal Transit Systems
H Guan, P Van Hentenryck, V Goyal, J Hoque, CS Day, GS Macfarlane, ...
Transit–Serving Communities Optimally, Responsively, and Efficiently (T …, 2023
Accuracy and Uncertainty in Traffic and Transit Ridership Forecasts
JM Hoque
An Assessment of Historical Traffic Forecast Accuracy and Sources of Forecast Error
JM Hoque
Recent Decline in Public Transportation Ridership
K Watkins, S Berrebi, G Erhardt, J Hoque, V Goyal, C Brakewood, ...
Predicting Highway Crash Frequency: A Review of Statistical Regression Models
R Tanzen, JM Hoque, MS Islam
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