Nadim Diab
Nadim Diab
Rafik Hariri University
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Optimum synthesis of hybrid-task mechanisms using ant-gradient search method
A Smaili, N Diab
Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (1), 115-130, 2007
Optimum synthesis of mechanisms using tabu-gradient search algorithm
AA Smaili, NA Diab, NA Atallah
A new approach to shape optimization for closed path synthesis of planar mechanisms
A Smaili, N Diab
Optimum exact/approximate point synthesis of planar mechanisms
N Diab, A Smaili
Mechanism and Machine Theory 43 (12), 1610-1624, 2008
An ants-search based method for optimum synthesis of compliant mechanisms under various design criteria
N Diab, A Smaili
Mechanism and Machine Theory 114, 85-97, 2017
An elitist ants-search based method for optimum synthesis of rigid-linkage mechanisms
N Diab, A Smaili
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 57397 …, 2015
A new approach for exact/approximate point synthesis of planar mechanisms
A Smaili, N Diab
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2005
Design and control of a myoelectric prosthetic hand using multi-channel blind source separation techniques
G Masri, H Harb, N Diab, R Halabi
2021 Sixth International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering …, 2021
Investigation of the squeeze film dynamics underneath a microstructure with large oscillation amplitudes and inertia effects
NA Diab, IA Lakkis
Journal of Tribology 138 (3), 031704, 2016
A new graphical technique for acceleration analysis of four bar mechanisms using the instantaneous center of zero acceleration
N Diab
SN Applied Sciences 3 (3), 327, 2021
Dsmc simulations of squeeze film between a micro beam undergoing large amplitude oscillations and a substrate
NA Diab, IA Lakkis
International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels …, 2012
Analysis and optimum synthesis of planar mechanisms with clearances and tolerances using interval analysis
N Diab, A Smaili
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2006
Modeling squeeze films in the vicinity of high inertia oscillating microstructures
NA Diab, I Lakkis
Journal of Tribology 136 (2), 021705, 2014
A new approach for locating the instantaneous centers of zero velocity for 1-dof planar linkages
N Diab
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 52040 …, 2018
Adapting Ant Colony for Topology Optimization of Compliant Mechanisms With Variable Material Density
N Diab
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 58462 …, 2017
DSMC Simulations of Squeeze Film Under a Harmonically Oscillating Micro RF Switch With Large Tip Displacements
NA Diab, IA Lakkis
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 45257, 187-197, 2012
Adapting Ant-Colony Optimization to Design Problems in Mechatronics
A Smaili, N Diab, S Abdallah
Engineering Systems Design and Analysis 44854, 359-370, 2012
Using instantaneous invariants of the curvature theory in motion generation synthesis of 4R mechanisms with higher-order coupler point kinematics
N Diab
Mechanism and Machine Theory 195, 105596, 2024
An ants-search based method for optimum synthesis of compliant mechanisms
N Diab, A Smaili
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 50657 …, 2016
Adapting ant colony optimization of compliant structures using elements with linearly varying cross-sections
N Diab, F Jouni
SN Applied Sciences 3, 1-15, 2021
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