Luciana Nedel
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Real time muscle deformations using mass-spring systems
LP Nedel, D Thalmann
Proceedings. computer graphics international (cat. no. 98ex149), 156-165, 1998
On evaluating information visualization techniques
CMDS Freitas, PRG Luzzardi, RA Cava, M Winckler, MS Pimenta, ...
Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 373-374, 2002
Using the PhysX engine for physics‐based virtual surgery with force feedback
A Maciel, T Halic, Z Lu, LP Nedel, S De
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery …, 2009
Evaluating an immersive space-time cube geovisualization for intuitive trajectory data exploration
JA Wagner Filho, W Stuerzlinger, L Nedel
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 26 (1), 514-524, 2019
An analysis of VR technology used in immersive simulations with a serious game perspective
A Menin, R Torchelsen, L Nedel
IEEE computer graphics and applications 38 (2), 57-73, 2018
A formal description of multimodal interaction techniques for immersive virtual reality applications
D Navarre, P Palanque, R Bastide, A Schyn, M Winckler, LP Nedel, ...
Human-Computer Interaction-INTERACT 2005: IFIP TC13 International Conference …, 2005
Designing a vibrotactile head-mounted display for spatial awareness in 3d spaces
VA de Jesus Oliveira, L Brayda, L Nedel, A Maciel
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (4), 1409-1417, 2017
The image-based data glove
VF Pamplona, LAF Fernandes, J Prauchner, LP Nedel, MM Oliveira
Proceedings of X Symposium on Virtual Reality (SVR'2008), 204-211, 2008
Edge transformations for improving mesh quality of marching cubes
CA Dietrich, CE Scheidegger, J Schreiner, JLD Comba, LP Nedel, ...
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15 (1), 150-159, 2008
Immersive visualization of abstract information: An evaluation on dimensionally-reduced data scatterplots
JA Wagner Filho, MF Rey, CMDS Freitas, L Nedel
2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 483-490, 2018
Modeling and deformation of the human body using an anatomically-based approach
LP Nedel, D Thalmann
Proceedings Computer Animation'98 (Cat. No. 98EX169), 34-40, 1998
Anatomy-based joint models for virtual human skeletons
A Maciel, LP Nedel, CMDS Freitas
Proceedings of Computer Animation 2002 (CA 2002), 220-224, 2002
Measuring presence in virtual environments: A survey
V Souza, A Maciel, L Nedel, R Kopper
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (8), 1-37, 2021
Virtualdesk: A comfortable and efficient immersive information visualization approach
JA Wagner Filho, CMDS Freitas, L Nedel
Computer Graphics Forum 37 (3), 415-426, 2018
Towards an integrated system for planning and assisting maxillofacial orthognathic surgery
R Olszewski, MB Villamil, DG Trevisan, LP Nedel, CMDS Freitas, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 91 (1), 13-21, 2008
An anatomic human body for motion capture
R Boulic, P Fua, L Herda, MC Silaghi, JS Monzani, L Nedel, D Thalmann
Proc. EMMSEC 98, 1998
Using immersive virtual reality to reduce work accidents in developing countries
L Nedel, VC De Souza, A Menin, L Sebben, J Oliveira, F Faria, A Maciel
IEEE computer graphics and applications 36 (2), 36-46, 2016
Anatomic modeling of deformable human bodies
LP Nedel, D Thalmann
The Visual Computer 16 (6), 306-321, 2000
Design and evaluation of a handheld-based 3d user interface for collaborative object manipulation
JG Grandi, HG Debarba, L Nedel, A Maciel
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Comparing and combining virtual hand and virtual ray pointer interactions for data manipulation in immersive analytics
J Wagner, W Stuerzlinger, L Nedel
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 27 (5), 2513-2523, 2021
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