Nedelko Grbic
Nedelko Grbic
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Filter bank design for subband adaptive microphone arrays
JM De Haan, N Grbic, I Claesson, SE Nordholm
IEEE transactions on speech and audio processing 11 (1), 14-23, 2003
Soft constrained subband beamforming for hands-free speech enhancement
N Grbić, S Nordholm
2002 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2002
Blind signal separation using overcomplete subband representation
N Grbic, XJ Tao, SE Nordholm, I Claesson
IEEE transactions on speech and audio processing 9 (5), 524-533, 2001
Source localization for multiple speech sources using low complexity non-parametric source separation and clustering
M Swartling, B Sällberg, N Grbić
Signal Processing 91 (8), 1781-1788, 2011
Design of oversampled uniform DFT filter banks with delay specification using quadratic optimization
JM De Haan, N Grbic, I Claesson, S Nordholm
2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2001
Multicriteria design of oversampled uniform DFT filter banks
KFC Yiu, N Grbic, S Nordholm, KL Teo
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 11 (6), 541-544, 2004
Optimal and adaptive microphone arrays for speech input in automobiles
S Nordholm, I Claesson, N Grbić
Microphone arrays: signal processing techniques and applications, 307-329, 2001
A new design method for broadband microphone arrays for speech input in automobiles
KFC Yiu, N Grbic, KL Teo, S Nordholm
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 9 (7), 222-224, 2002
Speaker localisation using the far-field SRP-PHAT in conference telephony
A Johansson, N Grbic, S Nordholm
IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and …, 2002
Optimal FIR subband beamforming for speech enhancement in multipath environments
N Grbic, S Nordholm, A Cantoni
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 10 (11), 335-338, 2003
Design and evaluation of nonuniform DFT filter banks in subband microphone arrays
JM de Haan, N Grbić, I Claesson, S Nordholm
2002 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2002
A subband space constrained beamformer incorporating voice activity detection [speech enhancement applications]
A Davis, SY Low, S Nordholm, N Grbic
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
Performance limits in subband beamforming
SE Nordholm, I Claesson, N Grbic
IEEE transactions on speech and audio processing 11 (3), 193-203, 2003
Complex-valued independent component analysis for online blind speech extraction
B Sallberg, N Grbic, I Claesson
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 16 (8), 1624-1632, 2008
Online maximization of subband kurtosis for blind adaptive beamforming in realtime speech extraction
B Sallberg, N Grbic, I Claesson
2007 15th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 603-606, 2007
Direction of arrival estimation for multiple speakers using time-frequency orthogonal signal separation
M Swartling, N Grbic, I Claesson
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
Robust microphone array using subband adaptive beamformer and spectral subtraction
SY Low, N Grbic, S Nordholm
The 8th International Conference on Communication Systems, 2002. ICCS 2002 …, 2002
Real-time dsp implementation of a subband beamforming algorithm for dual microphone speech enhancement
Z Yermeche, B Sallberg, N Grbic, I Claesson
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 353-356, 2007
Optimal and adaptive subband beamforming: principles and applications
N Grbicʹ
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Department of Telecommunications and …, 2001
Reconfigurable acceleration of microphone array algorithms for speech enhancement
KFC Yiu, CH Ho, N Grbric, Y Lu, X Shi, W Luk
2008 International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures …, 2008
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