Pierre-Henri Cocquet
Pierre-Henri Cocquet
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How large a shift is needed in the shifted Helmholtz preconditioner for its effective inversion by multigrid?
PH Cocquet, MJ Gander
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (2), A438-A478, 2017
Error analysis for the finite element approximation of the Darcy–Brinkman–Forchheimer model for porous media with mixed boundary conditions
PH Cocquet, M Rakotobe, D Ramalingom, A Bastide
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 381, 113008, 2021
A new interpolation technique to deal with fluid-porous media interfaces for topology optimization of heat transfer
D Ramalingom, PH Cocquet, A Bastide
Computers & Fluids 168, 144-158, 2018
Penalization model for Navier–Stokes–Darcy equations with application to porosity-oriented topology optimization
A Bastide, PH Cocquet, D Ramalingom
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 28 (08), 1481-1512, 2018
Approximation by multipoles of the multiple acoustic scattering by small obstacles in three dimensions and application to the foldy theory of isotropic scattering
A Bendali, PH Cocquet, S Tordeux
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 219, 1017-1059, 2016
A multi-objective optimization problem in mixed and natural convection for a vertical channel asymmetrically heated
D Ramalingom, PH Cocquet, R Maleck, A Bastide
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 60 (5), 2001-2020, 2019
Scattering of a scalar time-harmonic wave by N small spheres by the method of matched asymptotic expansions
A Bendali, PH Cocquet, S Tordeux
Numerical Analysis and Applications 5, 116-123, 2012
Closed form dispersion corrections including a real shifted wavenumber for finite difference discretizations of 2D constant coefficient Helmholtz problems
PH Cocquet, MJ Gander, X Xiang
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43 (1), A278-A308, 2021
Numerical study of natural convection in asymmetrically heated channel considering thermal stratification and surface radiation
D Ramalingom, PH Cocquet, A Bastide
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications, 2017
A Finite Difference Method with Optimized Dispersion Correction for the Helmholtz Equation
PH Cocquet, MJ Gander, X Xiang
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIV, 205-213, 2018
On the existence and uniqueness of a solution for some frequency-dependent partial differential equations coming from the modeling of metamaterials
PH Cocquet, PA Mazet, V Mouysset
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 44 (6), 3806-3833, 2012
Heat transfer enhancement by chaotic advection in a novel sine-helical channel geometry
A Aldor, Y Moguen, K El Omari, C Habchi, PH Cocquet, Y Le Guer
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 193, 122870, 2022
Dispersion correction for Helmholtz in 1D with piecewise constant wavenumber
PH Cocquet, MJ Gander, X Xiang
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXV 25, 359-366, 2020
On the minimal shift in the shifted Laplacian preconditioner for multigrid to work
PH Cocquet, MJ Gander
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXII, 137-145, 2016
On well-posedness of some homogenized Drude-Born-Fedorov systems on a bounded domain and applications to metamaterials
PH Cocquet, PA Mazet, V Mouysset
Comptes rendus. Mathématique 349 (1-2), 99-103, 2011
Optimization of bathymetry for long waves with small amplitude
PH Cocquet, S Riffo, J Salomon
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 59 (6), 4429-4456, 2021
Scattering of a scalar time-harmonic wave by a penetrable obstacle with a thin layer
KE Boutarene, PH Cocquet
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 27 (2), 264-310, 2016
Modelling of flow through spatially varying porous media with application to topology optimization
M Rakotobe, D Ramalingom, PH Cocquet, A Bastide
Analysis of the shifted Helmholtz expansion preconditioner for the Helmholtz equation
PH Cocquet, MJ Gander
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIV, 195-203, 2018
Etude mathématique et numérique de modeles homogénéisés de métamatériaux
PH Cocquet
Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III, 2012
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