avi mayo
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Evolutionary trade-offs, Pareto optimality, and the geometry of phenotype space
O Shoval, H Sheftel, G Shinar, Y Hart, O Ramote, A Mayo, E Dekel, ...
Science 336 (6085), 1157-1160, 2012
Fibroblast polarization is a matrix-rigidity-dependent process controlled by focal adhesion mechanosensing
M Prager-Khoutorsky, A Lichtenstein, R Krishnan, K Rajendran, A Mayo, ...
Nature cell biology 13 (12), 1457-1465, 2011
Cell-to-cell spread of HIV permits ongoing replication despite antiretroviral therapy
A Sigal, JT Kim, AB Balazs, E Dekel, A Mayo, R Milo, D Baltimore
Nature 477 (7362), 95-98, 2011
Just-in-time transcription program in metabolic pathways
A Zaslaver, AE Mayo, R Rosenberg, P Bashkin, H Sberro, M Tsalyuk, ...
Nature genetics 36 (5), 486-491, 2004
Detailed map of a cis-regulatory input function
Y Setty, AE Mayo, MG Surette, U Alon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (13), 7702-7707, 2003
Circuit design features of a stable two-cell system
X Zhou, RA Franklin, M Adler, JB Jacox, W Bailis, JA Shyer, RA Flavell, ...
Cell 172 (4), 744-757. e17, 2018
Proteome half-life dynamics in living human cells
E Eden, N Geva-Zatorsky, I Issaeva, A Cohen, E Dekel, T Danon, L Cohen, ...
Science 331 (6018), 764-768, 2011
A cellular and regulatory map of the cholinergic nervous system of C. elegans
L Pereira, P Kratsios, E Serrano-Saiz, H Sheftel, AE Mayo, DH Hall, ...
Elife 4, e12432, 2015
Fold-change detection and scalar symmetry of sensory input fields
O Shoval, L Goentoro, Y Hart, A Mayo, E Sontag, U Alon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (36), 15995-16000, 2010
No hair for spherical black holes: charged and nonminimally coupled scalar field with self-interaction
AE Mayo, JD Bekenstein
Physical Review D 54 (8), 5059, 1996
Plasticity of the cis-Regulatory Input Function of a Gene
AE Mayo, Y Setty, S Shavit, A Zaslaver, U Alon
PLoS biology 4 (4), e45, 2006
Cancer-associated fibroblast compositions change with breast cancer progression linking the ratio of S100A4+ and PDPN+ CAFs to clinical outcome
G Friedman, O Levi-Galibov, E David, C Bornstein, A Giladi, M Dadiani, ...
Nature Cancer 1 (7), 692-708, 2020
Central dogma rates and the trade-off between precision and economy in gene expression
J Hausser, A Mayo, L Keren, U Alon
Nature communications 10 (1), 68, 2019
Prediction of multidimensional drug dose responses based on measurements of drug pairs
A Zimmer, I Katzir, E Dekel, AE Mayo, U Alon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (37), 10442-10447, 2016
Inferring biological tasks using Pareto analysis of high-dimensional data
Y Hart, H Sheftel, J Hausser, P Szekely, NB Ben-Moshe, Y Korem, ...
Nature methods 12 (3), 233-235, 2015
Evolution of bow-tie architectures in biology
T Friedlander, AE Mayo, T Tlusty, U Alon
PLoS computational biology 11 (3), e1004055, 2015
Adaptive cyclic exit strategies from lockdown to suppress COVID-19 and allow economic activity
O Karin, YM Bar-On, T Milo, I Katzir, A Mayo, Y Korem, B Dudovich, ...
MedRxiv, 2020.04. 04.20053579, 2020
Evolutionary tradeoffs, Pareto optimality and the morphology of ammonite shells
A Tendler, A Mayo, U Alon
BMC systems biology 9, 1-12, 2015
Principles of cell circuits for tissue repair and fibrosis
M Adler, A Mayo, X Zhou, RA Franklin, ML Meizlish, R Medzhitov, ...
IScience 23 (2), 2020
Paradoxical signaling by a secreted molecule leads to homeostasis of cell levels
Y Hart, S Reich-Zeliger, YE Antebi, I Zaretsky, AE Mayo, U Alon, ...
Cell 158 (5), 1022-1032, 2014
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