Sophie Hautphenne
Sophie Hautphenne
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Newton’s iteration for the extinction probability of a Markovian binary tree
S Hautphenne, G Latouche, MA Remiche
Linear algebra and its applications 428 (11-12), 2791-2804, 2008
Algorithmic approach to the extinction probability of branching processes
S Hautphenne, G Latouche, MA Remiche
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 13, 171-192, 2011
Extinction probabilities of branching processes with countably infinitely many types
S Hautphenne, G Latouche, G Nguyen
Advances in Applied Probability 45 (4), 1068-1082, 2013
The Markovian binary tree applied to demography
S Hautphenne, G Latouche
Journal of mathematical biology 64 (7), 1109-1135, 2012
Parameter estimation for discretely observed linear birth‐and‐death processes
AC Davison, S Hautphenne, A Kraus
Biometrics 77 (1), 186-196, 2021
Extinction in lower Hessenberg branching processes with countably many types
P Braunsteins, S Hautphenne
The Annals of Applied Probability 29 (5), 2782-2818, 2019
Extinction probabilities of supercritical decomposable branching processes
S Hautphenne
Journal of Applied Probability 49 (3), 639-651, 2012
On the link between Markovian trees and tree-structured Markov chains
S Hautphenne, B Van Houdt
European journal of operational research 201 (3), 791-798, 2010
An EM algorithm for the model fitting of Markovian binary trees
S Hautphenne, M Fackrell
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 70, 19-34, 2014
Transient features for Markovian binary trees
S Hautphenne, G Latouche, MA Remiche
Proceedings of the fourth international ICST conference on performance …, 2009
A pathwise approach to the extinction of branching processes with countably many types
P Braunsteins, G Decrouez, S Hautphenne
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129 (3), 713-739, 2019
Sensitivity analysis of a branching process evolving on a network with application in epidemiology
S Hautphenne, G Krings, JC Delvenne, VD Blondel
Journal of Complex Networks 3 (4), 606-641, 2015
The second order terms of the variance curves for some queueing output processes
S Hautphenne, Y Kerner, Y Nazarathy, P Taylor
arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.0069, 2013
The intercept term of the asymptotic variance curve for some queueing output processes
S Hautphenne, Y Kerner, Y Nazarathy, P Taylor
European Journal of Operational Research 242 (2), 455-464, 2015
Extinction probability in peer-to-peer file diffusion
S Hautphenne, K Leibnitz, MA Remiche
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 34 (2), 3-4, 2006
Extension of some MAP results to transient MAPs and Markovian binary trees
S Hautphenne, M Telek
Performance Evaluation 70 (9), 607-622, 2013
Parameter estimation in branching processes with almost sure extinction
P Braunsteins, S Hautphenne, C Minuesa
Bernoulli 28 (1), 33-63, 2022
The probabilities of extinction in a branching random walk on a strip
P Braunsteins, S Hautphenne
Journal of Applied Probability 57 (3), 811-831, 2020
Extinction probabilities in branching processes with countably many types: a general framework
D Bertacchi, P Braunsteins, S Hautphenne, F Zucca
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.10071, 2020
Linking micro and macroevolution in the presence of migration
P Duchen, S Hautphenne, L Lehmann, N Salamin
Journal of theoretical biology 486, 110087, 2020
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