Sudhir Kylasa
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Zitiert von
The ReaxFF reactive force-field: development, applications and future directions
TP Senftle, S Hong, MM Islam, SB Kylasa, Y Zheng, YK Shin, ...
npj Computational Materials 2 (1), 1-14, 2016
PuReMD-GPU: A reactive molecular dynamics simulation package for GPUs
SB Kylasa, HM Aktulga, AY Grama
Journal of Computational Physics 272, 343-359, 2014
GPU accelerated sub-sampled Newton's method for convex classification problems
S Kylasa, F Roosta, MW Mahoney, A Grama
Proceedings of the 2019 SIAM international conference on data mining, 702-710, 2019
Social ties and checkin sites: Connections and latent structures in Location Based Social Networks
SB Kylasa, G Kollias, A Grama
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in …, 2015
The ReaxFF reactive force-field: development, applications and future directions. npj Comput Mater 2: 15011
TP Senftle, S Hong, MM Islam, SB Kylasa, Y Zheng, YK Shin, ...
Context-specific recommendation system for predicting similar pubmed articles
S Mohammadi, S Kylasa, G Kollias, A Grama
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW …, 2016
Reactive molecular dynamics on massively parallel heterogeneous architectures
SB Kylasa, HM Aktulga, AY Grama
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (1), 202-214, 2016
Newton-ADMM: A distributed GPU-accelerated optimizer for multiclass classification problems
CH Fang, SB Kylasa, F Roosta, MW Mahoney, A Grama
SC20: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking …, 2020
Distributed second-order convex optimization
CH Fang, SB Kylasa, F Roosta-Khorasani, MW Mahoney, A Grama
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.07132, 2018
The Reax-ff reactive force-field: Development, applications and future directions. Npj Comput. Mater. 2, 15011 (2016)
TP Senftle, S Hong, MM Islam, SB Kylasa, Y Zheng, YK Shin, ...
The ReaxFF reactive force-field: development, applications and future directions, Npj Computational Materials. 2 (2016) 1–14
TP Senftle, S Hong, MM Islam, SB Kylasa, Y Zheng, YK Shin, ...
The ReaxFF reactive force-field: Development, applications and future directions. npj Computational Materials, 2: 15011
TP Senftle, S Hong, MM Islam, SB Kylasa, Y Zheng, YK Shin, ...
CrossRef CAS, 2016
Parallel optimization techniques for machine learning
S Kylasa, CH Fang, F Roosta, A Grama
Parallel Algorithms in Computational Science and Engineering, 381-417, 2020
Higher order optimization techniques for machine learning
SB Kylasa
Purdue University, 2019
The ReaxFF reactive force-field: development, applications and future directions. npj Computational Materials 2016, 2, 15011. namics package
TP Senftle, S Hong, MM Islam, SB Kylasa, Y Zheng, YK Shin, ...
NPJ Comput. Mater. 2, 15011 (2016)
TP Senftle, S Hong, MM Islam, SB Kylasa, Y Zheng, YK Shin, ...
PG-PuReMD: A Parallel-GPU Reactive Molecular Dynamics Package
SB Kylasa, H Aktulga, A Grama
GPU Accelerated Sub-Sampled Newton\textsf {'} s Method.
SB Kylasa, F Roosta-Khorasani, MW Mahoney, A Grama
CoRR, 2018
Social ties and checkin sites: Connections and latent structures in Location Based Social Networks
AG Sudhir Kylasa, Giorgos Kollias
Social Networks Analysis and Mining (Springer), 2016
Approximation Techniques for Keyword Search in Graphs
SB Kylasa, A Grama
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Artikel 1–20