Yichi Zhang
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Machine learning-based modeling and operation for ALD of SiO2 thin-films using data from a multiscale CFD simulation
Y Ding, Y Zhang, YM Ren, G Orkoulas, PD Christofides
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 151, 131-145, 2019
Multiscale computational fluid dynamics modeling of thermal atomic layer deposition with application to chamber design
Y Zhang, Y Ding, PD Christofides
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 147, 529-544, 2019
Microscopic modeling and optimal operation of thermal atomic layer deposition
Y Ding, Y Zhang, K Kim, A Tran, Z Wu, PD Christofides
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 145, 159-172, 2019
Operational trend prediction and classification for chemical processes: A novel convolutional neural network method based on symbolic hierarchical clustering
Y Wang, Y Zhang, Z Wu, H Li, PD Christofides
Chemical Engineering Science 225, 115796, 2020
Multiscale computational fluid dynamics modeling and reactor design of plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition
Y Zhang, Y Ding, PD Christofides
Computers & Chemical Engineering 142, 107066, 2020
Computational fluid dynamics-based in-situ sensor analytics of direct metal laser solidification process using machine learning
YM Ren, Y Zhang, Y Ding, Y Wang, PD Christofides
Computers & Chemical Engineering 143, 107069, 2020
Microscopic modeling and optimal operation of plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition
Y Ding, Y Zhang, G Orkoulas, PD Christofides
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 159, 439-454, 2020
Integrating feedback control and run-to-run control in multi-wafer thermal atomic layer deposition of thin films
Y Zhang, Y Ding, PD Christofides
Processes 8 (1), 18, 2019
Adapted Receptive Field Temporal Convolutional Networks with Bar-Shaped Structures Tailored to Industrial Process Operation Models
Y Wang, Y Zhang, H Li
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59 (13), 5482-5490, 2020
Run-to-run control of thermal atomic layer deposition
Y Zhang, Y Ding, Z Wu, PD Christofides
2020 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 1080-1086, 2020
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