Piotr Zwiernik
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Total positivity in Markov structures
S Fallat, S Lauritzen, K Sadeghi, C Uhler, N Wermuth, P Zwiernik
The Annals of Statistics, 1152-1184, 2017
Maximum likelihood estimation in Gaussian models under total positivity
S Lauritzen, C Uhler, P Zwiernik
The Annals of Statistics 47 (4), 1835-1863, 2019
Maximum likelihood estimation for linear Gaussian covariance models
P Zwiernik, C Uhler, D Richards
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology …, 2017
Semialgebraic statistics and latent tree models
P Zwiernik
Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability 146, 146, 2016
An Asymptotic Behaviour of the Marginal Likelihood for General Markov Models
P Zwiernik
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 12, 3283-3310, 2011
Estimating linear covariance models with numerical nonlinear algebra
B Sturmfels, S Timme, P Zwiernik
Algebraic Statistics 11 (1), 31-52, 2020
Tensors of nonnegative rank two
ES Allman, JA Rhodes, B Sturmfels, P Zwiernik
Linear algebra and its applications 473, 37-53, 2015
Exponential varieties
M Michałek, B Sturmfels, C Uhler, P Zwiernik
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 112 (1), 27-56, 2016
Tree-cumulants and the geometry of binary tree models
P Zwiernik, JQ Smith
Bernoulli 18 (1), 290-321, 2012
Binary cumulant varieties
B Sturmfels, P Zwiernik
Annals of Combinatorics 17 (1), 229-250, 2011
Implicit inequality constraints in a binary tree model
P Zwiernik, JQ Smith
Electronic Journal of Statistics 5, 1276-1312, 2011
Marginal likelihood and model selection for Gaussian latent tree and forest models
M Drton, S Lin, L Weihs, P Zwiernik
Bernoulli 23 (2), 1202-1232, 2017
The correlation space of Gaussian latent tree models and model selection without fitting
N Shiers, P Zwiernik, JAD Aston, JQ Smith
Biometrika 103 (3), 531-545, 2016
Secant cumulants and toric geometry
M Michałek, L Oeding, P Zwiernik
International Mathematics Research Notices 2015 (12), 4019-4063, 2015
Total positivity in multivariate extremes
F Röttger, S Engelke, P Zwiernik
The Annals of Statistics 51 (3), 962-1004, 2023
Cremona linearizations of some classical varieties
C Ciliberto, MA Cueto, M Mella, K Ranestad, P Zwiernik
From Classical to Modern Algebraic Geometry: Corrado Segre's Mastership and …, 2016
Dependence in elliptical partial correlation graphs
D Rossell, P Zwiernik
Electronic Journal of Statistics 15 (2), 4236-4263, 2021
Total positivity in exponential families with application to binary variables
S Lauritzen, C Uhler, P Zwiernik
The Annals of Statistics 49 (3), 1436-1459, 2021
Maximum likelihood estimation of the latent class model through model boundary decomposition
ES Allman, HB Cervantes, R Evans, S Hoşten, K Kubjas, D Lemke, ...
Journal of Algebraic Statistics 10 (1), 51-84, 2019
Locally associated graphical models and mixed convex exponential families
S Lauritzen, P Zwiernik
The Annals of Statistics 50 (5), 3009-3038, 2022
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