R Jose Immanuel
R Jose Immanuel
Sonstige NamenR.J. Immanuel
Advanced Materials Development and Characterization Group, Dept. of Mech. Engg., IIT Bhilai
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High temperature oxidation study of direct laser deposited AlXCoCrFeNi (X= 0.3, 0.7) high entropy alloys
A Mohanty, JK Sampreeth, O Bembalge, JY Hascoet, S Marya, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 380, 125028, 2019
Influence of multi-pass friction stir processing on wear behaviour and machinability of an Al-Si hypoeutectic A356 alloy
SK Singh, RJ Immanuel, S Babu, SK Panigrahi, GDJ Ram
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 236, 252-262, 2016
Effect of annealing on the microstructure and texture of cold rolled CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy
GD Sathiaraj, W Skrotzki, A Pukenas, R Schaarschuch, RJ Immanuel, ...
Intermetallics 101, 87-98, 2018
Influence of cryorolling on microstructure and mechanical properties of a cast hypoeutectic Al–Si alloy
RJ Immanuel, SK Panigrahi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 640, 424-435, 2015
Particle refinement and fine-grain formation leading to enhanced mechanical behaviour in a hypo-eutectic Al–Si alloy subjected to multi-pass friction stir processing
S Meenia, F Khan MD, S Babu, RJ Immanuel, SK Panigrahi, GDJ Ram
Materials characterization, 2016
Establishing flow stress behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy and development of constitutive models using Johnson-Cook method and Artificial Neural Network for quasi-static and …
S Deb, A Muraleedharan, RJ Immanuel, SK Panigrahi, G Racineux, ...
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 119, 103338, 2022
Deformation behavior of ultrafine grained A356 material processed by cryorolling and development of Johnson–Cook model
RJ Immanuel, SK Panigrahi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 712, 747-756, 2018
Transformation of cast A356 ingots to wrought sheets with enhanced mechanical and tribological properties by different thermo-mechanical processing routes
RJ Immanuel, SK Panigrahi
Materials & Design 101, 44-55, 2016
Composite Materials and Its Advancements for a Cleaner Engine of Future
I Hussain, RJ Immanuel
Advances in Engine Tribology, 169-191, 2021
Investigation on crashworthiness of ultrafine grained A356 sheets and validation of Hall-Petch relationship at high strain-rate deformation
RJ Immanuel, SK Panigrahi, G Racineux, S Marya
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017
Dissimilar metal welding on Mg AZ31 and AA 6061 alloys by using friction stir welding
TR chary, S potnuru, RJ Immanuel, KK Saxena, D Buddhi, A Behera
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 17 (6 …, 2023
Microstructural characterization and mechanical performance of AZ91 magnesium alloy processed by friction stir processing using novel tool designs
KJ Sandeep, AK Choudhary, RJ Immanuel
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 33 (1), 120-135, 2024
Influence of Initial Microstructure on Microstructural Stability and Mechanical Behavior of Cryorolled A356 Alloy Subjected to Annealing
RJ Immanuel, SK Panigrahi
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48 (8), 3852–3868, 2017
Improved structural uniformity and specific strength of commercially pure aluminum through variable temperature multi axial forging: Finite element analysis and experimental study
S Deb, MB Abhilash, RJ Immanuel, SK Panigrahi
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (3), 434-449, 2023
Microstructure and texture of cold rolled and recrystallized CrNoNi medium-entropy alloy
GD Sathiaraj, W Skrotzki, RJ Immanuel, A Pukenas, R Schaarschuch, ...
Materials Science Forum 941, 833-838, 2019
A short review on SLM-processed Ti6Al4V composites
M Kathiresan, M Karthikeyan, RJ Immanuel
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of …, 2024
Critical Review on Advanced Cooling Strategies in Friction Stir Processing for Microstructural Control
MS Patel, RJ Immanuel, A Rahaman, MF Khan, M Jouiad
Crystals 14 (7), 655, 2024
High energy ball milling–An advanced processing route for effective development of Titanium Aluminide intermetallic alloy through mechanical alloying
I Hussain, RJ Immanuel
Metal Powder Report 77 (4), 2022
Synergetic effect of cryorolling and postroll aging on simultaneous increase in wear resistance and mechanical properties of an Al–Cu alloy
I Jaseem, RJ Immanuel, PN Rao, F Khan, BN Sahoo, SK Panigrahi, ...
Journal of Tribology 140 (6), 061607, 2018
Influence of titanium particulate reinforcement on microstructural evolution and mechanical performance of AZ91 magnesium matrix surface composite developed through friction …
KJ Sandeep, AK Choudhary, I Hussain, RJ Immanuel
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 63 (3), 779-792, 2024
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