Paul Manns
Paul Manns
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Quadratically regularized optimal transport
DA Lorenz, P Manns, C Meyer
Applied Mathematics & Optimization 83 (3), 1919-1949, 2021
Approximation properties and tight bounds for constrained mixed-integer optimal control
C Kirches, F Lenders, P Manns
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) 58 (3), 1371-1402, 2020
Motion Optimization and Parameter Identification for a Human and Lower Back Exoskeleton Model
P Manns, M Sreenivasa, M Millard, K Mombaur
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (3), 1564-1570, 2017
Improved Regularity Assumptions for PartialOuter Convexification of Mixed-Integer PDE-Constrained Optimization problems
P Manns, C Kirches
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (ESAIM: COCV) 26, 2020
Instrumenting AUTOSAR for dependability assessment: A guidance framework
T Piper, S Winter, P Manns, N Suri
IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN …, 2012
Mixed-integer optimal control problems with switching costs: A shortest path approach
F Bestehorn, C Hansknecht, C Kirches, P Manns
Mathematical Programming, 2020
Multi-dimensional Sum-up Rounding for Elliptic Control Systems
P Manns, C Kirches
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 58 (3), 2020
A switching cost aware rounding method for relaxations of mixed-integer optimal control problems
F Bestehorn, C Hansknecht, C Kirches, P Manns
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2019
Sequential linear integer programming for integer optimal control with total variation regularization
S Leyffer, P Manns
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 28, 66, 2022
Towards highly reliable autonomy for urban search and rescue robots
S Kohlbrecher, F Kunz, D Koert, C Rose, P Manns, K Daun, J Schubert, ...
RoboCup 2014: Robot World Cup XVIII 18, 118-129, 2015
Approximation properties of sum-up rounding in the presence of vanishing constraints
P Manns, C Kirches, F Lenders
Mathematics of Computation, 2020
Multi‐dimensional Sum‐Up Rounding using Hilbert curve iterates
P Manns, C Kirches
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM) 19 (1), e201900065, 2019
Compactness and Convergence Rates in the Combinatorial Integral Approximation Decomposition
C Kirches, P Manns, S Ulbrich
Mathematical Programming 188, 569-598, 2021
Decomposition and approximation for PDE-constrained mixed-integer optimal control
M Hahn, C Kirches, P Manns, S Sager, C Zeile
Non-Smooth and Complementarity-Based Distributed Parameter Systems, 283-305, 2022
Convergence of Sum-Up Rounding Schemes for Cloaking Problems Governed by the Helmholtz Equation
S Leyffer, P Manns, M Winckler
Computational Optimization and Applications, 2021
Approximation properties of Sum-Up Rounding
P Manns
Efficient Derivative Evaluation for Rigid-Body Dynamics Based on Recursive Algorithms Subject to Kinematic and Loop Constraints
M Kudruss, P Manns, C Kirches
IEEE Control Systems Letters 3 (3), 619-624, 2019
Efficient solution of discrete subproblems arising in integer optimal control with total variation regularization
M Severitt, P Manns
INFORMS Journal on Computing 35 (4), 869-885, 2023
On Integer Optimal Control with Total Variation Regularization on Multidimensional Domains
P Manns, A Schiemann
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 61 (6), 2023
Sequential Linearization Method for Bound-Constrained Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints
C Kirches, J Larson, S Leyffer, P Manns
SIAM Journal on Optimization 32 (1), 75-99, 2022
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