Puteri N E Nohuddin
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Zitiert von
Finding “interesting” trends in social networks using frequent pattern mining and self organizing maps
PNE Nohuddin, F Coenen, R Christley, C Setzkorn, Y Patel, S Williams
Knowledge-Based Systems 29, 104-113, 2012
Factors affecting SME owners in adopting ICT in business using thematic analysis
ANA Rozmi, PNE Nohuddin, A Hadi, A Razak, A Bakar, M Izhar, AI Nordin
Science and Information Organization, 2020
A survey on presentation attack detection for automatic speaker verification systems: State-of-the-art, taxonomy, issues and future direction
CB Tan, MHA Hijazi, N Khamis, PNEB Nohuddin, Z Zainol, F Coenen, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (21), 32725-32762, 2021
Visualurtext: a text analytics tool for unstructured textual data
Z Zainol, MTH Jaymes, PNE Nohuddin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1018 (1), 012011, 2018
Improvements of the balance discovery attack on lightning network payment channels
G Van Dam, RA Kadir, PNE Nohuddin, HB Zaman
IFIP International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection …, 2020
Association analysis of cyberbullying on social media using Apriori algorithm
Z Zainol, S Wani, PN Nohuddin, WM Noormanshah, S Marzukhi
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (4.29), 72-75, 2018
Social media sentiment analysis and opinion mining in public security: Taxonomy, trend analysis, issues and future directions
MSM Suhaimin, MHA Hijazi, EG Moung, PNE Nohuddin, S Chua, ...
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 101776, 2023
Analysis of K-means, DBSCAN and OPTICS Cluster algorithms on Al-Quran verses
MA Ahmed, H Baharin, PNE Nohuddin
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 (8 …, 2020
Using data mining strategy in qualitative research
N Rasid, PNE Nohuddin, H Alias, I Hamzah, AI Nordin
Advances in Visual Informatics: 5th International Visual Informatics …, 2017
Text analytics of unstructured textual data: a study on military peacekeeping document using R text mining package
Z Zainol, PNE Nohuddin, TAT Mohd, O Zakaria
International Conference on Computing and Informatics, 1-7, 2017
Document categorization using decision tree: preliminary study
WMU Noormanshah, PNE Nohuddin, Z Zainol
International journal of engineering & technology 7 (4.34), 437-440, 2018
A case study in knowledge acquisition for logistic cargo distribution data mining framework
PNE Nohuddin, Z Zainol, ASH Lee, AI Nordin, Z Yusoff
International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences 5 (1), 8-14, 2018
Association rule mining using time series data for Malaysia climate variability prediction
RA A. Rashid, PNE Nohuddin, Z Zainol
Advances in Visual Informatics: 5th International Visual Informatics …, 2017
Discovering “interesting” keyword patterns in Hadith chapter documents
Z Zainol, PNE Nohuddin, MTH Jaymes, S Marzukhi
2016 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2016
Keyword based clustering technique for collections of hadith chapters
PNE Nohuddin, Z Zainol, KF Chao, M Tarhamizwan, S Marzukhi, A Nordin
International Journal on Islamic Applications in Computer Science And …, 2015
Trend mining in social networks: a study using a large cattle movement database
PNE Nohuddin, R Christley, F Coenen, C Setzkorn
Advances in Data Mining. Applications and Theoretical Aspects: 10th …, 2010
Comparative study between lean six sigma and lean-agile for quality software requirement
NM Salleh, PNE Nohuddin
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 (12), 2019
Document clustering in military explicit knowledge: A study on peacekeeping documents
Z Zainol, S Marzukhi, PNE Nohuddin, WMU Noormaanshah, O Zakaria
Advances in Visual Informatics: 5th International Visual Informatics …, 2017
Identifying small and medium enterprise smart entrepreneurship training framework components using thematic analysis and expert review
ANA Rozmi, PNE Nohuddin, ARA Hadi, MIA Bakar
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (6), 2021
Frequent pattern extraction in the Tafseer of Al-Quran
PNE Chua, Stephanie and Nohuddin
Information and Communication Technology for The Muslim World (ICT4M), 2014 …, 2014
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