Benjamin S. Grandey
Benjamin S. Grandey
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Aerosol indirect effects–general circulation model intercomparison and evaluation with satellite data
J Quaas, Y Ming, S Menon, T Takemura, M Wang, JE Penner, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (22), 8697-8717, 2009
Broad range of 2050 warming from an observationally constrained large climate model ensemble
DJ Rowlands, DJ Frame, D Ackerley, T Aina, BBB Booth, C Christensen, ...
Nature Geoscience 5 (4), 256-260, 2012
A critical look at spatial scale choices in satellite-based aerosol indirect effect studies
BS Grandey, P Stier
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (23), 11459-11470, 2010
Investigating relationships between aerosol optical depth and cloud fraction using satellite, aerosol reanalysis and general circulation model data
BS Grandey, P Stier, TM Wagner
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (6), 3177-3184, 2013
Cloud fraction mediates the aerosol optical depth‐cloud top height relationship
E Gryspeerdt, P Stier, BS Grandey
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (10), 3622-3627, 2014
Rainfall‐aerosol relationships explained by wet scavenging and humidity
BS Grandey, A Gururaj, P Stier, TM Wagner
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (15), 5678-5684, 2014
Impacts on cloud radiative effects induced by coexisting aerosols converted from international shipping and maritime DMS emissions
Q Jin, BS Grandey, D Rothenberg, A Avramov, C Wang
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (22), 16793-16808, 2018
Enhanced marine sulphur emissions offset global warming and impact rainfall
BS Grandey, C Wang
Scientific reports 5 (1), 13055, 2015
Effective radiative forcing in the aerosol–climate model CAM5. 3-MARC-ARG
BS Grandey, D Rothenberg, A Avramov, Q Jin, HH Lee, X Liu, Z Lu, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (21), 15783-15810, 2018
Radiative effects of interannually varying vs. interannually invariant aerosol emissions from fires
BS Grandey, HH Lee, C Wang
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (22), 14495-14513, 2016
The effect of extratropical cyclones on satellite‐retrieved aerosol properties over ocean
BS Grandey, P Stier, TM Wagner, RG Grainger, KI Hodges
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (13), 2011
Transient climate impacts for scenarios of aerosol emissions from Asia: A story of coal versus gas
BS Grandey, H Cheng, C Wang
Journal of Climate 29 (8), 2849-2867, 2016
The contribution of the strength and structure of extratropical cyclones to observed cloud–aerosol relationships
BS Grandey, P Stier, RG Grainger, TM Wagner
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (21), 10689-10701, 2013
Background conditions influence the estimated cloud radiative effects of anthropogenic aerosol emissions from different source regions
BS Grandey, C Wang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (4), 2276-2295, 2019
The equilibrium climate response to sulfur dioxide and carbonaceous aerosol emissions from East and Southeast Asia
BS Grandey, LK Yeo, HH Lee, C Wang
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (20), 11,318-11,325, 2018
Investigating aerosol-cloud interactions
B Grandey
Oxford University, UK, 2011
Fusion of probabilistic projections of sea‐level rise
BS Grandey, J Dauwels, ZY Koh, BP Horton, LY Chew
Earth's Future 12 (12), e2024EF005295, 2024
Tide–surge interaction observed at Singapore and the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia using a semi-empirical model
ZY Koh, BS Grandey, D Samanta, AD Switzer, BP Horton, J Dauwels, ...
Ocean Science 20 (6), 1495-1511, 2024
Modelling Correlation Among the Ice Sheet Components of Sea-Level Rise
BS Grandey, S Jevrejeva, ZY Koh, BP Horton, J Dauwels, LY Chew
Authorea Preprints, 2024
Tide-Surge Interaction near Singapore and Malaysia using a Semi-empirical Model
ZY Koh, BS Grandey, D Samanta, AD Switzer, BP Horton, J Dauwels, ...
EGUsphere 2024, 1-31, 2024
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