Yves Baeyens
Yves Baeyens
Nokia Bell-Labs
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A 70–100 GHz direct-conversion transmitter and receiver phased array chipset demonstrating 10 Gb/s wireless link
S Shahramian, Y Baeyens, N Kaneda, YK Chen
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 48 (5), 1113-1125, 2013
Monolithically integrated 40-wavelength demultiplexer and photodetector array on silicon
L Chen, CR Doerr, L Buhl, Y Baeyens, RA Aroca
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 23 (13), 869-871, 2011
Packaged monolithic silicon 112-Gb/s coherent receiver
CR Doerr, LL Buhl, Y Baeyens, R Aroca, S Chandrasekhar, X Liu, L Chen, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 23 (12), 762-764, 2011
A 5-b 10-GSample/sa/D converter for 10-gb/s optical receivers
J Lee, P Roux, UV Koc, T Link, Y Baeyens, YK Chen
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 39 (10), 1671-1679, 2004
A 16-element W-band phased-array transceiver chipset with flip-chip PCB integrated antennas for multi-gigabit wireless data links
S Shahramian, MJ Holyoak, Y Baeyens
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 66 (7), 3389-3402, 2018
A fully integrated 40-Gb/s clock and data recovery IC with 1: 4 DEMUX in SiGe technology
M Reinhold, C Dorschky, E Rose, R Pullela, P Mayer, F Kunz, Y Baeyens, ...
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 36 (12), 1937-1945, 2001
SiGe differential transimpedance amplifier with 50-GHz bandwidth
JS Weiner, A Leven, V Houtsma, Y Baeyens, YK Chen, P Paschke, ...
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 38 (9), 1512-1517, 2003
224-Gb/s PDM-16-QAM modulator and receiver based on silicon photonic integrated circuits
P Dong, X Liu, S Chandrasekhar, LL Buhl, R Aroca, Y Baeyens, YK Chen
2013 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National …, 2013
Hot electron degradation of the DC and RF characteristics of AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs PHEMT's
M Borgarino, R Menozzi, Y Baeyens, P Cova, F Fantini
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 45 (2), 366-372, 1998
Compact InP-based HBT VCOs with a wide tuning range at W-and D-band
Y Baeyens, C Dorschky, N Weimann, Q Lee, R Kopf, G Georgiou, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 48 (12), 2403-2408, 2000
InP D-HBT ICs for 40-Gb/s and higher bitrate lightwave transceivers
Y Baeyens, G Georgiou, JS Weiner, A Leven, V Houtsma, P Paschke, ...
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 37 (9), 1152-1159, 2002
A fully integrated scalable W-band phased-array module with integrated antennas, self-alignment and self-test
S Shahramian, M Holyoak, A Singh, BJ Farahani, Y Baeyens
2018 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference-(ISSCC), 74-76, 2018
A 36–80 GHz high gain millimeter-wave double-balanced active frequency doubler in SiGe BiCMOS
AYK Chen, Y Baeyens, YK Chen, J Lin
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 19 (9), 572-574, 2009
An InGaAs-InP HBT differential transimpedance amplifier with 47-GHz bandwidth
JS Weiner, JS Lee, A Leven, Y Baeyens, V Houtsma, G Georgiou, Y Yang, ...
IEEE journal of solid-state circuits 39 (10), 1720-1723, 2004
A monolithic integrated 150 GHz SiGe HBT push-push VCO with simultaneous differential V-band output
Y Baeyens, YK Chen
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2003 2, 877-880, 2003
Multilayer planar tunable filter with very wide tuning bandwidth
JS Sun, N Kaneda, Y Baeyens, T Itoh, YK Chen
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 59 (11), 2864-2871, 2011
An 83-GHz high-gain SiGe BiCMOS power amplifier using transmission-line current-combining technique
AYK Chen, Y Baeyens, YK Chen, J Lin
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 61 (4), 1557-1569, 2013
SiGe broadband amplifiers with up to 80 GHz bandwidth for optical applications at 43 Gbit/s and beyond
O Wohlgemuth, P Paschke, Y Baeyens
33rd European Microwave Conference Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No. 03EX723C) 3 …, 2003
A 6-b 12-GSamples/s track-and-hold amplifier in InP DHBT technology
J Lee, A Leven, JS Weiner, Y Baeyens, Y Yang, WJ Sung, J Frackoviak, ...
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 38 (9), 1533-1539, 2003
A low-power linear SiGe BiCMOS low-noise amplifier for millimeter-wave active imaging
AYK Chen, Y Baeyens, YK Chen, J Lin
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 20 (2), 103-105, 2010
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