Sangeet Saha
Sangeet Saha
Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK
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Scheduling dynamic hard real-time task sets on fully and partially reconfigurable platforms
S Saha, A Sarkar, A Chakrabarti
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters 7 (1), 23-26, 2015
Mat-cnn-sopc: Motionless analysis of traffic using convolutional neural networks on system-on-a-programmable-chip
S Dey, G Kalliatakis, S Saha, AK Singh, S Ehsan, K McDonald-Maier
2018 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS), 291-298, 2018
Co-scheduling persistent periodic and dynamic aperiodic real-time tasks on reconfigurable platforms
S Saha, A Sarkar, A Chakrabarti, R Ghosh
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 4 (1), 41-54, 2017
RASA: Reliability-aware scheduling approach for FPGA-based resilient embedded systems in extreme environments
S Saha, X Zhai, S Ehsan, S Majeed, K McDonald-Maier
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems 52 (6), 3885-3899, 2021
Real-time application processing for FPGA-based resilient embedded systems in harsh environments
S Saha, S Ehsan, A Stoica, R Stolkin, K McDonald-Maier
2018 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS), 299-304, 2018
Rewardprofiler: A reward based design space profiler on dvfs enabled mpsocs
S Dey, AK Singh, S Saha, X Wang, KD McDonald-Maier
2019 6th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing …, 2019
Gamma-induced image degradation analysis of robot vision sensor for autonomous inspection of nuclear sites
Z Khanam, B Aslam, S Saha, X Zhai, S Ehsan, R Stolkin, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (18), 17378-17390, 2021
Coverage path planning techniques for inspection of disjoint regions with precedence provision
Z Khanam, S Saha, S Ehsan, R Stolkin, K Mcdonald-Maier
IEEE Access 9, 5412-5427, 2020
Performance evaluation of multiple image binarization algorithms using multiple metrics on standard image databases
S Roy, S Saha, A Dey, SH Shaikh, N Chaki
ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention …, 2014
Design and implementation of real time AES-128 on real time operating system for multiple FPGA communication
R Paul, S Saha, S Sau, A Chakrabarti
arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.2153, 2012
Real time communication between multiple FPGA systems in multitasking environment using RTOS
R Paul, S Saha, S Sau, A Chakrabarti
2012 International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS), 130-134, 2012
Shirt (self healing intelligent real time) scheduling for secure embedded task processing
K Guha, S Saha, A Chakrabarti
2018 31st International Conference on VLSI Design and 2018 17th …, 2018
Prepare: Power-Aware Approximate Real-time Task Scheduling for Energy-Adaptive QoS Maximization
S Chakraborty, S Saha, M Själander, K Mcdonald-Maier
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 20 (5s), 1-25, 2021
Energy-aware real-time tasks processing for fpga-based heterogeneous cloud
A Majumder, S Saha, A Chakrabarti, K McDonald-Maier
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 7 (2), 414-426, 2021
Degradation measurement of kinect sensor under fast neutron beamline
Z Khanam, S Saha, B Aslam, X Zhai, S Ehsan, C Cazzaniga, C Frost, ...
2019 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1-5, 2019
A simple 1-byte 1-clock RC4 hardware design and its implementation in FPGA coprocessor for secured Ethernet communication
R Paul, S Saha, J Zaman, S Das, A Chakrabarti, R Ghosh
Proc. National Workshop on Cryptology, VIT University & CRSI, Vellore, India, 2012
A self-adaptive SEU mitigation scheme for embedded systems in extreme radiation environments
Y Lu, X Zhai, S Saha, S Ehsan, KD McDonald-Maier
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (1), 1436-1447, 2022
Travel mode recognition from GPS data based on LSTM
S Zhu, H Sun, Y Duan, X Dai, S Saha
Computing and Informatics 39 (1-2), 298-317, 2020
Gamma-induced degradation analysis of commercial off-the-shelf camera sensors
B Aslam, S Saha, Z Khanam, X Zhai, S Ehsan, R Stolkin, ...
2019 IEEE SENSORS, 1-4, 2019
Performance Evaluation of ECC in Single and Multi Processor Architectures on FPGA Based Embedded System
S Agarwal, S Saha, R Paul, A Chakrabarti
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.3421, 2014
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