Julien Bruchon
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Zitiert von
Using a signed distance function for the simulation of metal forming processes: Formulation of the contact condition and mesh adaptation. From a Lagrangian approach to an …
J Bruchon, H Digonnet, T Coupez
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 78 (8), 980-1008, 2009
Combining a level‐set method and a mixed stabilized P1/P1 formulation for coupling Stokes–Darcy flows
G Pacquaut, J Bruchon, N Moulin, S Drapier
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 69 (2), 459-480, 2012
Numerical prediction of the foam structure of polymeric materials by direct 3D simulation of their expansion by chemical reaction based on a multidomain method
J Bikard, J Bruchon, T Coupez, B Vergnes
Journal of Materials Science 40, 5875-5881, 2005
Numerical simulation of 3D polyurethane expansion during manufacturing process
J Bikard, J Bruchon, T Coupez, L Silva
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 309 (1-3 …, 2007
Finite element simulation of mass transport during sintering of a granular packing. Part I. Surface and lattice diffusions
J Bruchon, D Pino‐Muñoz, F Valdivieso, S Drapier
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95 (8), 2398-2405, 2012
Unified adaptive Variational MultiScale method for two phase compressible–incompressible flows
E Hachem, M Khalloufi, J Bruchon, R Valette, Y Mesri
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 308, 238-255, 2016
A finite element‐based level set method for fluid–elastic solid interaction with surface tension
D Pino Muñoz, J Bruchon, S Drapier, F Valdivieso
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 93 (9), 919-941, 2013
3D finite element simulation of the matter flow by surface diffusion using a level set method
J Bruchon, S Drapier, F Valdivieso
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 86 (7), 845-861, 2011
Stokes–Darcy coupling in severe regimes using multiscale stabilisation for mixed finite elements: monolithic approach versus decoupled approach
L Abouorm, R Troian, S Drapier, J Bruchon, N Moulin
European Journal of Computational Mechanics 23 (3-4), 113-137, 2014
Integrating a logarithmic-strain based hyperelastic formulation into a three-field mixed finite element formulation to deal with incompressibility in finite-strain elastoplasticity
D Al Akhrass, J Bruchon, S Drapier, S Fayolle
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 86, 61-70, 2014
A space-time discontinuous Galerkin method for convection and diffusion in injection moulding
S Batkam, J Bruchon, T Coupez
International Journal of Forming Processes 7 (1/2), 11-34, 2004
Etude de la formation d'une structure de mousse par simulation directe de l'expansion de bulles dans une matrice liquide polymère
J Bruchon
Ecole nationale supérieure des mines de Paris, 2004
Towards void formation and permeability predictions in LCM processes: a computational bifluid–solid mechanics framework dealing with capillarity and wetting issues
Y Liu, N Moulin, J Bruchon, PJ Liotier, S Drapier
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique 344 (4-5), 236-250, 2016
Benchmark exercise on image-based permeability determination of engineering textiles: Microscale predictions
E Syerko, T Schmidt, D May, C Binetruy, SG Advani, S Lomov, L Silva, ...
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 167, 107397, 2023
Sintering at particle scale: an Eulerian computing framework to deal with strong topological and material discontinuities
D Pino-Munoz, J Bruchon, S Drapier, F Valdivieso
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 21, 141-187, 2014
Influence of intra-yarn flows on whole 3D woven fabric numerical permeability: from Stokes to Stokes-Darcy simulations
A Geoffre, Y Wielhorski, N Moulin, J Bruchon, S Drapier, PJ Liotier
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 129, 103349, 2020
Accounting for local capillary effects in two-phase flows with relaxed surface tension formulation in enriched finite elements
L Chevalier, J Bruchon, N Moulin, PJ Liotier, S Drapier
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique 346 (8), 617-633, 2018
A numerical strategy for the direct 3D simulation of the expansion of bubbles into a molten polymer during a foaming process
J Bruchon, T Coupez
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 57 (8), 977-1003, 2008
Méthodes d'interaction fluide-structure pour la simulation multi-échelles des procédés de mélange
R Valette, J Bruchon, H Digonnet, P Laure, M Lebœuf, L Silva, B Vergnes, ...
Mechanics & Industry 8 (3), 251-258, 2007
Experimental and numerical thermal analysis for direct microwave heating of silicon carbide
I Ghorbel, P Ganster, N Moulin, C Meunier, J Bruchon
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 104 (1), 302-312, 2021
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