Carlotta Donadello
Carlotta Donadello
Maître de conférences , Université de Franche-Comté
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A second-order model for vehicular traffics with local point constraints on the flow
B Andreianov, C Donadello, MD Rosini
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 26 (04), 751-802, 2016
Crowd dynamics and conservation laws with nonlocal constraints and capacity drop
B Andreianov, C Donadello, MD Rosini
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 24 (13), 2685-2722, 2014
Stability of front tracking solutions to the initial and boundary value problem for systems of conservation laws
C Donadello, A Marson
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA 14 (5), 569-592, 2007
Qualitative behaviour and numerical approximation of solutions to conservation laws with non-local point constraints on the flux and modeling of crowd dynamics at the bottlenecks
B Andreianov, C Donadello, U Razafison, MD Rosini
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 50 (5), 1269-1287, 2016
Initial–boundary value problems for continuity equations with BV coefficients
G Crippa, C Donadello, LV Spinolo
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 102 (1), 79-98, 2014
Well-posedness for vanishing viscosity solutions of scalar conservation laws on a network
BP Andreianov, GM Coclite, C Donadello
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst 37 (11), 5913-5942, 2017
Representation of capacity drop at a road merge via point constraints in a first order traffic model
E Dal Santo, C Donadello, SF Pellegrino, MD Rosini
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 53 (1), 1-34, 2019
On the attainable set for a class of triangular systems of conservation laws
B Andreianov, C Donadello, SS Ghoshal, U Razafison
Journal of Evolution Equations 15, 503-532, 2015
A note on the initial-boundary value problem for continuity equations with rough coefficients
G Crippa, C Donadello, LV Spinolo
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences 8, 957-966, 2014
Analysis and approximation of one-dimensional scalar conservation laws with general point constraints on the flux
B Andreianov, C Donadello, U Razafison, MD Rosini
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 116, 309-346, 2018
Riemann problems with non--local point constraints and capacity drop
B Andreianov, C Donadello, U Razafison, MD Rosini
arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.4203, 2014
Solutions of the Aw-Rascle-Zhang system with point constraints
B Andreianov, C Donadello, U Razafison, JY Rolland, MD Rosini
Vanishing viscosity on a star-shaped graph under general transmission conditions at the node
GM Coclite, C Donadello
Exact controllability to trajectories for entropy solutions to scalar conservation laws in several space dimensions
C Donadello, V Perrollaz
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 357 (3), 263-271, 2019
On the attainable set for a scalar nonconvex conservation law
BP Andreianov, C Donadello, A Marson
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 55 (4), 2235-2270, 2017
One-dimensional conservation laws with nonlocal point constraints on the flux
B Andreianov, C Donadello, U Razafison, MD Rosini
Crowd Dynamics, Volume 1: Theory, Models, and Safety Problems, 103-135, 2018
A PDE model for the spatial dynamics of a voles population structured in age
GM Coclite, C Donadello, TNT Nguyen
Nonlinear Analysis 196, 111805, 2020
Entropy solutions for a two-phase transition model for vehicular traffic with metastable phase and time depending point constraint on the density flow
B Andreianov, C Donadello, MD Rosini
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA 28 (3), 32, 2021
An existence result for a constrained two-phase transition model with metastable phase for vehicular traffic
M Benyahia, C Donadello, N Dymski, MD Rosini
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA 25, 1-42, 2018
On the formation of scalar viscous shocks problem
A Bressan, C Donadello
International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations 1 (1 …, 2007
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