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Tracking fish abundance by underwater image recognition
S Marini, E Fanelli, V Sbragaglia, E Azzurro, J Del Rio Fernandez, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13748, 2018
The new seafloor observatory (OBSEA) for remote and long-term coastal ecosystem monitoring
J Aguzzi, A Mànuel, F Condal, J Guillén, M Nogueras, J Del Rio, C Costa, ...
Sensors 11 (6), 5850-5872, 2011
New high-tech flexible networks for the monitoring of deep-sea ecosystems
J Aguzzi, D Chatzievangelou, S Marini, E Fanelli, R Danovaro, S Flögel, ...
Environmental science & technology 53 (12), 6616-6631, 2019
Coastal observatories for monitoring of fish behaviour and their responses to environmental changes
J Aguzzi, C Doya, S Tecchio, FC De Leo, E Azzurro, C Costa, ...
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries 25, 463-483, 2015
Obsea: a decadal balance for a cabled observatory deployment
J Del-Rio, M Nogueras, DM Toma, E Martínez, C Artero-Delgado, I Bghiel, ...
IEEE access 8, 33163-33177, 2020
Ocean data product integration through innovation-the next level of data interoperability
JJH Buck, SJ Bainbridge, EF Burger, AC Kraberg, M Casari, KS Casey, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 32, 2019
FPGA-based implementation of an adaptive canceller for 50/60-Hz interference in electrocardiography
R Ramos, A Mànuel-Làzaro, J Del Río, G Olivar
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 56 (6), 2633-2640, 2007
Prenatal exposure of rats to antidepressant drugs down-regulates beta-adrenoceptors and 5-HT2 receptors in cerebral cortex: lack of correlation between 5-HT2 receptors and …
ML De Ceballos, A Benedi, C Urdin, J Del Rio
Neuropharmacology 24 (10), 947-952, 1985
Towards an optimal design for ecosystem-level ocean observatories
RA Rountree, J Aguzzi, S Marini, E Fanelli, FC De Leo, J Del Rio, ...
Oceanography and marine biology, 2020
A new laboratory radio frequency identification (RFID) system for behavioural tracking of marine organisms
J Aguzzi, V Sbragaglia, D Sarriá, JA García, C Costa, J del Río, A Mànuel, ...
Sensors 11 (10), 9532-9548, 2011
Daily activity rhythms in temperate coastal fishes: insights from cabled observatory video monitoring
J Aguzzi, V Sbragaglia, G Santamaría, J Del Río, F Sarda, M Nogueras, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 486, 223-236, 2013
Design and testing of a kinetic energy harvester embedded into an oceanic drifter
M Carandell, DM Toma, M Carbonell, J del Río, M Gasulla
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (23), 13930-13939, 2020
Mobile robotic platforms for the acoustic tracking of deep-sea demersal fishery resources
I Masmitja, J Navarro, S Gomáriz, J Aguzzi, B Kieft, T O’Reilly, K Katija, ...
Science Robotics 5 (48), eabc3701, 2020
Standards-based plug & work for instruments in ocean observing systems
J del Rio, DM Toma, TC O'Reilly, A Bröring, DR Dana, F Bache, ...
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 39 (3), 430-443, 2013
A sensor web architecture for integrating smart oceanographic sensors into the semantic sensor web
J del Rio, DM Toma, E Martinez, TC O’Reilly, E Delory, JS Pearlman, ...
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 43 (4), 830-842, 2017
Seasonal rhythm in a Mediterranean coastal fish community as monitored by a cabled observatory
F Condal, J Aguzzi, F Sarda, M Nogueras, J Cadena, C Costa, J Del Río, ...
Marine Biology 159, 2809-2817, 2012
An ocean kinetic energy converter for low-power applications using piezoelectric disk elements
C Viñolo, D Toma, A Mànuel, J del Río
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 222 (7), 1685-1698, 2013
The hierarchic treatment of marine ecological information from spatial networks of benthic platforms
J Aguzzi, D Chatzievangelou, M Francescangeli, S Marini, F Bonofiglio, ...
Sensors 20 (6), 1751, 2020
Company, JB (2019). New high-tech flexible networks for the monitoring of deep-sea ecosystems
J Aguzzi, D Chatzievangelou, S Marini, E Fanelli, R Danovaro, S Flögel, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (12), 6616-6631, 0
A new tracking system for the measurement of diel locomotor rhythms in the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.)
J Aguzzi, D Sarriá, JA García, J Del Rio, F Sardà, A Manuel
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 173 (2), 215-224, 2008
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