Alberto Lamberti
Alberto Lamberti
Prof of Engineering Fluid Mechanics, University of Bologna IT
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The CoastView project: Developing video-derived Coastal State Indicators in support of coastal zone management
M Davidson, M Van Koningsveld, A de Kruif, J Rawson, R Holman, ...
Coastal Engineering 54 (6-7), 463-475, 2007
Environmental design guidelines for low crested coastal structures
SJ Hawkins, HF Burcharth, B Zanuttigh, A Lamberti
Elsevier, 2010
Instability and surge development in debris flows
B Zanuttigh, A Lamberti
Reviews of Geophysics 45 (3), 2007
Coastal flooding: A copula based approach for estimating the joint probability of water levels and waves
M Masina, A Lamberti, R Archetti
Coastal Engineering 97, 37-52, 2015
European experience of low crested structures for coastal management
A Lamberti, R Archetti, M Kramer, D Paphitis, C Mosso, M Di Risio
Coastal Engineering 52 (10-11), 841-866, 2005
Experimental analysis of the impact of dry avalanches on structures and implication for debris flows
B Zanuttigh, A Lamberti
Journal of Hydraulic research 44 (4), 522-534, 2006
Local scour at roundhead and along the trunk of low crested structures
BM Sumer, J Fredsøe, A Lamberti, B Zanuttigh, M Dixen, K Gislason, ...
Coastal Engineering 52 (10-11), 995-1025, 2005
Flow field and morphology mapping using ADCP and multibeam techniques: Survey in the Po River
M Guerrero, A Lamberti
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 137 (12), 1576-1587, 2011
Structural stability of detached low crested breakwaters
HF Burcharth, M Kramer, A Lamberti, B Zanuttigh
Coastal Engineering 53 (4), 381-394, 2006
An integrated approach to beach management in Lido di Dante, Italy
A Lamberti, B Zanuttigh
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (3), 441-451, 2005
Roll waves simulation using shallow water equations and weighted average flux method
B Zanuttigh, A Lamberti
Journal of Hydraulic Research 40 (5), 610-622, 2002
Hydrodynamic and morphodynamic response of isolated and multiple low crested structures: Experiments and simulations
L Martinelli, B Zanuttigh, A Lamberti
Coastal Engineering 53 (4), 363-379, 2006
Environmental design of coastal defence in Lido di Dante, Italy
B Zanuttigh, L Martinelli, A Lamberti, P Moschella, S Hawkins, S Marzetti, ...
Coastal Engineering 52 (10-11), 1089-1125, 2005
Wave overtopping and induced currents at emergent low crested structures
I Cáceres, A Sánchez-Arcilla, B Zanuttigh, A Lamberti, L Franco
Coastal Engineering 52 (10-11), 931-947, 2005
Italian experience on submerged barriers as beach defence structures
A Lamberti, A Mancinelli
Coastal Engineering 1996, 2352-2365, 1996
Assessment of risk due to debris flow events
R Archetti, A Lamberti
Natural Hazards Review 4 (3), 115-125, 2003
Stone mobility and longshore transport at reshaping breakwaters
A Lamberti, GR Tomasicchio
Coastal Engineering 29 (3-4), 263-289, 1997
Experimental analysis and numerical simulations of waves and current flows around low-crested rubble-mound structures
B Zanuttigh, A Lamberti
Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 132 (1), 10-27, 2006
Wave overtopping and piling-up at permeable low crested structures
B Zanuttigh, L Martinelli, A Lamberti
Coastal Engineering 55 (6), 484-498, 2008
Towards improving the representation of beaching in oil spill models: A case study
AG Samaras, M De Dominicis, R Archetti, A Lamberti, N Pinardi
Marine pollution bulletin 88 (1-2), 91-101, 2014
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