Joost Vennekens
Joost Vennekens
Dept. Computer Science, KU Leuven
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Logic programs with annotated disjunctions
J Vennekens, S Verbaeten, M Bruynooghe
Logic Programming: 20th International Conference, ICLP 2004, Saint-Malo …, 2004
CP-logic: A language of causal probabilistic events and its relation to logic programming
J Vennekens, M Denecker, M Bruynooghe
Theory and practice of logic programming 9 (3), 245-308, 2009
The second answer set programming competition
M Denecker, J Vennekens, S Bond, M Gebser, M Truszczyński
Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: 10th International Conference …, 2009
A principled approach to defining actual causation
S Beckers, J Vennekens
Synthese 195 (2), 835-862, 2018
Towards digesting the alphabet-soup of statistical relational learning
L De Raedt, B Demoen, D Fierens, B Gutmann, G Janssens, A Kimmig, ...
NIPS* 2008 Workshop Probabilistic Programming, Date: 2008/12/13-2008/12/13 …, 2008
Well-founded semantics and the algebraic theory of non-monotone inductive definitions
M Denecker, J Vennekens
Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: 9th International Conference …, 2007
Building a knowledge base system for an integration of logic programming and classical logic
M Denecker, J Vennekens
International Conference on Logic Programming, 71-76, 2008
The well-founded semantics is the principle of inductive definition, revisited
M Denecker, J Vennekens
Fourteenth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge …, 2014
Splitting an operator: Algebraic modularity results for logics with fixpoint semantics
J Vennekens, D Gilis, M Denecker
ACM Transactions on computational logic (TOCL) 7 (4), 765-797, 2006
Embracing events in causal modelling: Interventions and counterfactuals in CP-logic
J Vennekens, M Bruynooghe, M Denecker
European workshop on logics in artificial intelligence, 313-325, 2010
Soft skills: What do computing program syllabi reveal about non-technical expectations of undergraduate students?
W Groeneveld, BA Becker, J Vennekens
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in …, 2020
Software engineering education beyond the technical: A systematic literature review
W Groeneveld, J Vennekens, K Aerts
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.09865, 2019
Grounded fixpoints and their applications in knowledge representation
B Bogaerts, J Vennekens, M Denecker
Artificial Intelligence 224, 51-71, 2015
A Tarskian informal semantics for answer set programming
M Denecker, Y Lierler, M Truszczynski, J Vennekens
Technical Communications of the 28th International Conference on Logic …, 2012
Representing causal information about a probabilistic process
J Vennekens, M Denecker, M Bruynooghe
Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 10th European Conference, JELIA 2006 …, 2006
CHR (PRISM)-based probabilistic logic learning
J Sneyers, W Meert, J Vennekens, Y Kameya, T Sato
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 10 (4-6), 433-447, 2010
Exploring the role of creativity in software engineering
W Groeneveld, L Luyten, J Vennekens, K Aerts
2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2021
Problog technology for inference in a probabilistic first order logic
M Bruynooghe, T Mantadelis, A Kimmig, B Gutmann, J Vennekens, ...
ECAI 2010, 719-724, 2010
Approximation fixpoint theory and the semantics of logic and answers set programs
M Denecker, M Bruynooghe, J Vennekens
Correct Reasoning: Essays on Logic-Based AI in Honour of Vladimir Lifschitz …, 2012
Predicate introduction for logics with a fixpoint semantics. Part I: Logic programming
J Vennekens, J Wittocx, M Mariën, M Denecker
Fundamenta Informaticae 79 (1-2), 187-208, 2007
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