Marco Rabuffetti
Marco Rabuffetti
IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, Milano, Italia
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Stair ascent and descent at different inclinations
R Riener, M Rabuffetti, C Frigo
Gait & posture 15 (1), 32-44, 2002
A multiple-task gait analysis approach: kinematic, kinetic and EMG reference data for healthy young and adult subjects
G Bovi, M Rabuffetti, P Mazzoleni, M Ferrarin
Gait & posture 33 (1), 6-13, 2011
Quantitative comparison of five current protocols in gait analysis
A Ferrari, MG Benedetti, E Pavan, C Frigo, D Bettinelli, M Rabuffetti, ...
Gait & posture 28 (2), 207-216, 2008
Are perception and action affected differently by the Titchener circles illusion?
F Pavani, I Boscagli, F Benvenuti, M Rabuffetti, A Farnè
Experimental Brain Research 127, 95-101, 1999
Method for the analysis of posture and interface pressure of car drivers
G Andreoni, GC Santambrogio, M Rabuffetti, A Pedotti
Applied ergonomics 33 (6), 511-522, 2002
The association between impaired turning and normal straight walking in Parkinson's disease
P Crenna, I Carpinella, M Rabuffetti, E Calabrese, P Mazzoleni, R Nemni, ...
Gait & posture 26 (2), 172-178, 2007
Locomotor function in the early stage of Parkinson's disease
I Carpinella, P Crenna, E Calabrese, M Rabuffetti, P Mazzoleni, R Nemni, ...
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 15 (4 …, 2007
Functionally oriented and clinically feasible quantitative gait analysis method
C Frigo, M Rabuffetti, DC Kerrigan, LC Deming, A Pedotti
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 36, 179-185, 1998
Human kinematic, kinetic and EMG data during different walking and stair ascending and descending tasks
T Lencioni, I Carpinella, M Rabuffetti, A Marzegan, M Ferrarin
Scientific data 6 (1), 309, 2019
Kinematic characteristics of standing disequilibrium: reliability and validity of a posturographic protocol
F Benvenuti, R Mecacci, I Gineprari, S Bandinelli, E Benvenuti, L Ferrucci, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 80 (3), 278-287, 1999
Task-oriented biofeedback to improve gait in individuals with chronic stroke: motor learning approach
J Jonsdottir, D Cattaneo, M Recalcati, A Regola, M Rabuffetti, M Ferrarin, ...
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 24 (5), 478-485, 2010
Functional resources to increase gait speed in people with stroke: strategies adopted compared to healthy controls
J Jonsdottir, M Recalcati, M Rabuffetti, A Casiraghi, S Boccardi, M Ferrarin
Gait & posture 29 (3), 355-359, 2009
Impact of subthalamic nucleus stimulation on the initiation of gait in Parkinson’s disease
P Crenna, I Carpinella, M Rabuffetti, M Rizzone, L Lopiano, M Lanotte, ...
Experimental brain research 172, 519-532, 2006
‘Moving’a paralysed hand: bimanual coupling effect in patients with anosognosia for hemiplegia
F Garbarini, M Rabuffetti, A Piedimonte, L Pia, M Ferrarin, F Frassinetti, ...
Brain 135 (5), 1486-1497, 2012
SIAMOC position paper on gait analysis in clinical practice: General requirements, methods and appropriateness. Results of an Italian consensus conference
MG Benedetti, E Beghi, A De Tanti, A Cappozzo, N Basaglia, AG Cutti, ...
Gait & posture 58, 252-260, 2017
Experimental protocol for the kinematic analysis of the hand: definition and repeatability
I Carpinella, P Mazzoleni, M Rabuffetti, R Thorsen, M Ferrarin
Gait & Posture 23 (4), 445-454, 2006
Comparison of three methods for estimating vertical displacement of center of mass during level walking in patients
MA Thirunarayan, DC Kerrigan, M Rabuffetti, U Della Croce, M Saini
Gait & Posture 4 (4), 306-314, 1996
Trans-femoral amputee gait: Socket–pelvis constraints and compensation strategies
M Rabuffetti, M Recalcati, M Ferrarin
Prosthetics and orthotics international 29 (2), 183-192, 2005
Body ownership increases the interference between observed and executed movements
D Burin, K Kilteni, M Rabuffetti, M Slater, L Pia
PloS one 14 (1), e0209899, 2019
Kinematic analysis of the upper limb motor strategies in stroke patients as a tool towards advanced neurorehabilitation strategies: a preliminary study
I Aprile, M Rabuffetti, L Padua, E Di Sipio, C Simbolotti, M Ferrarin
BioMed research international 2014 (1), 636123, 2014
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