Mikhail Karasikov
Mikhail Karasikov
ETH Zürich,
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A global metagenomic map of urban microbiomes and antimicrobial resistance
D Danko, D Bezdan, EE Afshin, S Ahsanuddin, C Bhattacharya, DJ Butler, ...
Cell 184 (13), 3376-3393. e17, 2021
Biosynthetic potential of the global ocean microbiome
L Paoli, HJ Ruscheweyh, CC Forneris, F Hubrich, S Kautsar, A Bhushan, ...
Nature 607 (7917), 111-118, 2022
Blind prediction of homo‐and hetero‐protein complexes: The CASP13‐CAPRI experiment
MF Lensink, G Brysbaert, N Nadzirin, S Velankar, RAG Chaleil, T Gerguri, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 87 (12), 1200-1221, 2019
Communication-efficient jaccard similarity for high-performance distributed genome comparisons
M Besta, R Kanakagiri, H Mustafa, M Karasikov, G Rätsch, T Hoefler, ...
2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS …, 2020
Smooth orientation-dependent scoring function for coarse-grained protein quality assessment
M Karasikov, G Pagès, S Grudinin
Bioinformatics 35 (16), 2801-2808, 2019
Metagraph: Indexing and analysing nucleotide archives at petabase-scale
M Karasikov, H Mustafa, D Danciu, C Barber, M Zimmermann, G Rätsch, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.10. 01.322164, 2020
Assessment of chemical‐crosslink‐assisted protein structure modeling in CASP13
JE Fajardo, R Shrestha, N Gil, A Belsom, SN Crivelli, C Czaplewski, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 87 (12), 1283-1297, 2019
Dynamic compression schemes for graph coloring
H Mustafa, I Schilken, M Karasikov, C Eickhoff, G Rätsch, A Kahles
Bioinformatics 35 (3), 407-414, 2019
Lossless indexing with counting de Bruijn graphs
M Karasikov, H Mustafa, G Rätsch, A Kahles
Genome Research 32 (9), 1754-1764, 2022
Sparse binary relation representations for genome graph annotation
M Karasikov, H Mustafa, A Joudaki, S Javadzadeh-No, G Rätsch, ...
Journal of Computational Biology, 2020
Классификация временных рядов в пространстве параметров порождающих моделей
МЕ Карасиков, ВВ Стрижов
Информатика и её применения 10 (4), 121-131, 2016
Поиск эффективных методов снижения размерности при решении задач многоклассовой классификации путем её сведения к решению бинарных задач
МЕ Карасиков, ЮВ Максимов
Машинное обучение и анализ данных 1 (9), 1273-1290, 2014
Chauvot de Beauchêne I
MF Lensink, G Brysbaert, N Nadzirin, S Velankar, RAG Chaleil, T Gerguri, ...
Maigret, B, 1200-1221, 2019
Metannot: A succinct data structure for compression of colors in dynamic de Bruijn graphs
H Mustafa, A Kahles, M Karasikov, G Rätsch
BioRxiv, 236711, 2017
Topology-based sparsification of graph annotations
D Danciu, M Karasikov, H Mustafa, A Kahles, G Rätsch
Bioinformatics 37 (Supplement_1), i169-i176, 2021
MetaGraph-MLA: Label-guided alignment to variable-order De Bruijn graphs
H Mustafa, M Karasikov, G Rätsch, A Kahles
bioRxiv, 2022.11. 04.514718, 2022
Inverse protein folding problem via quadratic programming
A Riazanov, M Karasikov, S Grudinin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.00673, 2017
Towards Large-Scale Training of Pathology Foundation Models
N Aben, ED de Jong, I Gatopoulos, N Känzig, M Karasikov, A Lagré, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.15217, 2024
Прогнозирование структур белков методами полуопределенного программирования
АС Подкопаев, МЕ Карасиков, ЮВ Максимов
Труды Московского физико-технического института 7 (4 (28)), 66-73, 2015
Label-guided seed-chain-extend alignment on annotated De Bruijn graphs
H Mustafa, M Karasikov, N Mansouri Ghiasi, G Rätsch, A Kahles
Bioinformatics 40 (Supplement_1), i337-i346, 2024
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