Suman Raj Bista
Suman Raj Bista
Australian Centre for Robotic Vision at QUT (Queensland University of Technology)
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Appearance-based indoor navigation by IBVS using line segments
SR Bista, PR Giordano, F Chaumette
IEEE robotics and automation letters 1 (1), 423-430, 2016
The robotic vision scene understanding challenge
D Hall, B Talbot, SR Bista, H Zhang, R Smith, F Dayoub, N Sünderhauf
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.05246, 2020
Combining line segments and points for appearance-based indoor navigation by image based visual servoing
SR Bista, PR Giordano, F Chaumette
2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2017
Appearance-based indoor navigation by IBVS using mutual information
S Raj, PR Giordano, F Chaumette
2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2016
Benchbot: Evaluating robotics research in photorealistic 3d simulation and on real robots
B Talbot, D Hall, H Zhang, SR Bista, R Smith, F Dayoub, N Sünderhauf
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.00635, 2020
Evaluating the impact of semantic segmentation and pose estimation on dense semantic SLAM
SR Bista, D Hall, B Talbot, H Zhang, F Dayoub, N Sünderhauf
2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2021
Image-based indoor topological navigation with collision avoidance for resource-constrained mobile robots
SR Bista, B Ward, P Corke
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 102 (3), 55, 2021
Automatic conjunctival provocation test combining Hough circle transform and self-calibrated color measurements
SR Bista, I Sárándi, S Dogan, A Astvatsatourov, R Mösges, TM Deserno
Medical Imaging 2013: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 8670, 646-655, 2013
BenchBot environments for active robotics (BEAR): Simulated data for active scene understanding research
D Hall, B Talbot, SR Bista, H Zhang, R Smith, F Dayoub, N Sünderhauf
The International Journal of Robotics Research 41 (3), 259-269, 2022
Indoor navigation of mobile robots based on visual memory and image-based visual servoing
SR Bista
Universite de Rennes 1; Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, 2016
Robust Automatic Parallel Lines Identification from Uncalibrated Image Sequences
SR Bista
Université de Bourgogne; CNRS LE2I, 2013
Automatic conjunctival provocation test using Hough transform of extended canny edge maps
SR Bista, S Dogan, A Astvatsatourov, R Mösges, TM Deserno
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2013: Algorithmen-Systeme-Anwendungen …, 2013
SoC Approach in Designing Vision Based Robot
B Khanal, D Parajuli, D Twanabasu, SR Bista, N Kathmandu
2016 Index IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Vol.
M Abdallah, JD Adarve, BV Adorno, E Aertbelien, JK Aggarwal, ...
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