Valéria Romano
Valéria Romano
IRD researcher - IMBE
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Modeling infection transmission in primate networks to predict centrality‐based risk
V Romano, J Duboscq, C Sarabian, E Thomas, C Sueur, AJJ MacIntosh
American Journal of Primatology 78 (7), 767-779, 2016
Network centrality and seasonality interact to predict lice load in a social primate
J Duboscq, V Romano, C Sueur, A MacIntosh
Scientific Reports, 2016
Social information transmission in animals: lessons from studies of diffusion
J Duboscq, V Romano, A MacIntosh, C Sueur
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1147, 2016
Mechanisms of network evolution: a focus on socioecological factors, intermediary mechanisms, and selection pressures
C Sueur, V Romano, S Sosa, I Puga-Gonzalez
Primates, 1-15, 2019
Stemming the flow: information, infection and social evolution
V Romano, A MacIntosh, C Sueur
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2020
Social transmission in networks: global efficiency peaks with intermediate levels of modularity
V Romano, M Shen, J Pansanel, AJJ MacIntosh, C Sueur
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 72, 1-10, 2018
Scratch that itch: revisiting links between self-directed behaviour and parasitological, social and environmental factors in a free-ranging primate
J Duboscq, V Romano, C Sueur, AJJ MacIntosh
Royal Society Open Science 3 (11), 160571, 2016
A multilevel analytical framework for studying cultural evolution in prehistoric hunter–gatherer societies
V Romano, S Lozano, J Fernández‐López de Pablo
Biological Reviews 95 (4), 1020-1035, 2020
The tradeoff between information and pathogen transmission in animal societies
V Romano, C Sueur, AJJ MacIntosh
Oikos, 2021
Unraveling the dispersal patterns and the social drivers of natal emigration of a cooperative breeding mammal, the golden lion tamarin
V Romano, AF Martins, CR Ruiz‐Miranda
American Journal of Primatology 81 (3), e22959, 2019
Understanding hunter–gatherer cultural evolution needs network thinking
JFL de Pablo, V Romano, M Derex, E Gjesfjeld, C Gravel-Miguel, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (8), 632-636, 2022
Reconstructing Mesolithic social networks on the Iberian Peninsula using ornaments
LS Cucart-Mora C., Gómez-Puche M., Romano V., Fernández-López de Pablo, J.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14 (174), 2022
Reconstructing social networks of Late Glacial and Holocene hunter–gatherers to understand cultural evolution
V Romano, S Lozano, J Fernández-López de Pablo
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 377 (1843), 20200318, 2021
Mountain gorillas benefit from social distancing too: Close proximity from tourists affects gorillas' sociality
RFP Costa, V Romano, AS Pereira, JDA Hart, A MacIntosh, M Hayashi
Conservation Science and Practice, e12859, 2023
Host genetics and pathogen species modulate infection-induced changes in social aggregation behaviour
V Romano, A Lussiana, KM Monteith, AJJ MacIntosh, PF Vale
Biology letters 18 (8), 20220233, 2022
Social Behavior and Infectious Disease
J Duboscq, V Romano, AJJ MacIntosh
Encyclopedia of Animal Behaviour, 2019
Las voces de los primates neotropicales:¿ qué dicen?
CB Caselli, V Romano, CR Ruiz-Miranda, RGT da Cunha
La Primatología en Latinoamérica 2 (Primatology in Latin America 2) 2, 267-282, 2018
The role of social attraction and social avoidance in shaping modular networks
V Romano, I Puga-Gonzalez, AJJ MacIntosh, C Sueur
Royal Society Open Science 11 (2), 231619, 2024
One step at a time in investigating relationships between self-directed behaviours and parasitological, social and environmental variables
J Duboscq, V Romano, C Sueur, AJJ MacIntosh
Royal Society Open Science 4 (8), 170461, 2017
Epidemiological Consequences of Individual Centrality on Wild Chimpanzees
M Pierron, C Sueur, M Shimada, A MacIntosh, V Romano
American Journal of Primatology, 2024
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