Juan Felipe Botero
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Virtual Network Embedding: A Survey
A Fischer, JF Botero, MT Beck, H De Meer, X Hesselbach
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 1-19, 2013
Resource Allocation in NFV: A Comprehensive Survey
JG Herrera, JF Botero
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 13 (3), 518-532, 2016
Security in SDN: A comprehensive survey
JCC Chica, JC Imbachi, JFB Vega
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 159, 102595, 2020
Energy Efficient Virtual Network Embedding
JF Botero, X Hesselbach, M Duelli, D Schlosser, A Fischer, H De Meer
IEEE Communications Letters 16 (5), 756-759, 2012
Coordinated allocation of service function chains
MT Beck, JF Botero
2015 IEEE global communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2015
Resilient allocation of service function chains
MT Beck, JF Botero, K Samelin
2016 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined …, 2016
ALEVIN-a framework to develop, compare, and analyze virtual network embedding algorithms
A Fischer, JF Botero Vega, M Duelli, D Schlosser, X Hesselbach Serra, ...
Open-Access-Journal Electronic Communications of the EASST, 1-12, 2011
Scalable and coordinated allocation of service function chains
MT Beck, JF Botero
Computer Communications 102, 78-88, 2017
Optimal mapping of virtual networks with hidden hops
JF Botero, X Hesselbach, A Fischer, H De Meer
Telecommunication Systems 52 (3), 1-10, 2011
Emerging DDoS attack detection and mitigation strategies in software-defined networks: Taxonomy, challenges and future directions
IA Valdovinos, JA Pérez-Díaz, KKR Choo, JF Botero
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 187, 103093, 2021
Greener networking in a network virtualization environment
JF Botero, X Hesselbach
Computer Networks 57 (9), 2021-2039, 2013
Network functions virtualization: A survey
JJG Herrera, JFB Vega
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (2), 983-997, 2016
Making data centers fit for demand response: Introducing GreenSDA and GreenSLA contracts
R Basmadjian, JF Botero, G Giuliani, X Hesselbach, S Klingert, ...
IEEE transactions on smart grid 9 (4), 3453-3464, 2016
Distributed and scalable embedding of virtual networks
MT Beck, A Fischer, JF Botero, C Linnhoff-Popien, H de Meer
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 56, 124-136, 2015
A distributed, parallel, and generic virtual network embedding framework
MT Beck, A Fischer, H de Meer, JF Botero, X Hesselbach
2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3471-3475, 2013
Optimal service function chain composition in network functions virtualization
AF Ocampo, J Gil-Herrera, PH Isolani, MC Neves, JF Botero, S Latré, ...
Security of Networks and Services in an All-Connected World: 11th IFIP WG 6 …, 2017
GRECO: A distributed genetic algorithm for reliable application placement in hybrid clouds
R Mennes, B Spinnewyn, S Latré, JF Botero
2016 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (Cloudnet), 14-20, 2016
A novel paths algebra-based strategy to flexibly solve the link mapping stage of VNE problems
J Felipe Botero, M Molina, X Hesselbach-Serra, J Roberto Amazonas
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2013
Coordinated service composition and embedding of 5G location-constrained network functions
B Spinnewyn, PH Isolani, C Donato, JF Botero, S Latré
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 15 (4), 1488-1502, 2018
Coordinated node and link mapping VNE using a new paths algebra strategy
X Hesselbach, JR Amazonas, S Villanueva, JF Botero
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 69, 14-26, 2016
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