Rafael Alceste Berri
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Zitiert von
A Pattern Recognition System for Detecting Use of Mobile Phones While Driving
RA Berri, AG Silva, RS Parpinelli, E Girardi, R Arthur
VISAPP 2014 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer …, 2014
Telepresence robot with image-based face tracking and 3d perception with human gesture interface using kinect sensor
R Berri, D Wolf, F Osório
2014 Joint Conference on Robotics: SBR-LARS Robotics Symposium and …, 2014
CARINA Project: Visual Perception Systems Applied for Autonomous Vehicles and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
DR Bruno, RA Berri, FM Barbosa, FS Osório
IEEE Access 11, 69720-69749, 2023
Normality tests: a study of residuals obtained on time series tendency modeling
FC Cardoso, RA Berri, G Lucca, EN Borges, VLD de Mattos
Exacta, 2023
A nonintrusive system for detecting drunk drivers in modern vehicles
R Berri, F Osório
2018 7th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 73-78, 2018
A hybrid vision system for detecting use of mobile phones while driving
R Berri, F Osório, R Parpinelli, A Silva
2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 4601-4610, 2016
Detecção automática de sonolência em condutores de veículos utilizando imagens amplas e de baixa resolução
RA Berri, AG Silva, R Arthur, E Girardi
Anais do Computer on the Beach, p. 21-30, 2013
BovDB: a data set of stock prices of all companies in B3 from 1995 to 2020
FC Cardoso, JAV Malska, PJ Ramiro, G Lucca, EN Borges, ...
Journal of Information and Data Management 13 (1), 2022
A 3D vision system for detecting use of mobile phones while driving
R Berri, F Osório
2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2018
From tele-operated robots to social robots with autonomous behaviors
R Berri, D Wolf, F Osório
Robotics: Joint Conference on Robotics, LARS 2014, SBR 2014, Robocontrol …, 2015
Echo state network and classical statistical techniques for time series forecasting: A review
FC Cardoso, RA Berri, EN Borges, BL Dalmazo, G Lucca, VLD de Mattos
Knowledge-Based Systems, 111639, 2024
ADAS classifier for driver monitoring and driving qualification using both internal and external vehicle data
RA Berri, DR Bruno, E Borges, G Lucca, FS Osório
Proceedings, 2022
Simulação de Robôs Móveis e Articulados: Aplicações e Prática
RA Berri, V Grassi Jr., FS Osório
34a. JAI - Jornada de Atualização de Informatica do XXXV CSBC, 274-322, 2015
Analyzing the Influence of Market Event Correction for Forecasting Stock Prices Using Recurrent Neural Networks
JO González, RA Berri, G Lucca, BL Dalmazo, EN Borges
International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated …, 2023
BovDB: A data set of stock quotes for Machine Learning on all companies from B3 between 1995 and 2020
R Cardoso, Fabian Correa and Malska, Juan and Ramiro, Paulo and Lucca ...
Anais do III Dataset Showcase Workshop, 21--32, 2021
Sistema ADAS para identificação de distrações e perturbações do motorista na condução de veículos
RA Berri
Universidade de São Paulo, 2019
Comparing MAE and RMSE as Fitness of Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Echo State Network Hyperparameters with Different Probabilistic Distributions
HV de Araújo, FC Cardoso, VLD de Mattos, EN Borges, G Lucca, ...
International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated …, 2024
Drowsiness Detection Using Vital Sign Sensors and Deep Learning on Smartwatches
VAR Pereira, RA Berri, FS Osório
International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated …, 2024
Unveiling Stock Market Trends by Deep Learning Insights with Correction Factor and Recurrent Neural Networks
JO González, RA Berri, G Lucca, BL Dalmazo, EN Borges
Comparative Study of Predictive Models Based on Moving Averages Applied in Binary Options in the Financial Market
LR Hoff, RA Berri, EN Borges, A Riker, BL Dalmazo
Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada 31 (2), 56-73, 2024
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