Huy Nguyen
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Games Research Today: Analyzing the Academic Landscape 2000-2014
E Melcer, THD Nguyen, Z Chen, A Canossa, M Seif El-Nasr, K Isbister
Foundations of Digital Games (FDG 2015), 2015
The Art of Drafting: A Team-Oriented Hero Recommendation System for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Games
Z Chen, THD Nguyen, Y Xu, C Amato, S Cooper, Y Sun, MS El-Nasr
12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2018), 2018
CAPIR: Collaborative Action Planning with Intention Recognition
THD Nguyen, D Hsu, WS Lee, TY Leong, LP Kaelbling, T Lozano-Perez, ...
AAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive …, 2011
Hand Gesture Controlled Drones: An Open Source Library
K Natarajan, THD Nguyen, M Mete
International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security, 2018
Glyph: Visualization Tool for Understanding Problem Solving Strategies in Puzzle Games
THD Nguyen, M Seif El-Nasr, A Canossa
Foundations of Digital Games (FDG 2015), 2015
Game data science
MS El-Nasr, THD Nguyen, A Canossa, A Drachen
Oxford University Press, 2021
Modeling individual and team behavior through spatio-temporal analysis
S Ahmad, A Bryant, E Kleinman, Z Teng, THD Nguyen, M Seif El-Nasr
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play …, 2019
Q-DeckRec: A Fast Deck Recommendation System for Collectible Card Games
Z Chen, C Amato, TH Nguyen, S Cooper, Y Sun, MS El-Nasr
IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG 2018), 2018
Modeling warmth and competence in virtual characters
THD Nguyen, E Carstensdottir, N Ngo, MS El-Nasr, M Gray, D Isaacowitz, ...
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 15th International Conference, IVA 2015, Delft …, 2015
” And then they died”: Using Action Sequences for Data Driven, Context Aware Gameplay Analysis
E Kleinman, S Ahmad, Z Teng, A Bryant, THD Nguyen, C Harteveld, ...
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on the Foundations of …, 2020
Player Skill Decomposition in Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas
Z Chen, Y Sun, MS El-Nasr, THD Nguyen
International Academic Conference on Meaningful Play, 2016
Analytics-Based AI Techniques for a Better Gaming Experience
THD Nguyen, Z Chen, M Seif El-Nasr
Game AI Pro 2: Collected Wisdom of Game AI Professionals, 481-500, 2015
G-Player: Exploratory Visual Analytics for Accessible Knowledge Discovery
A Canossa, THD Nguyen, M Seif El-Nasr
DiGRA and FDG, First Joint International Conference, 2016
Seagull: A bird’s-eye view of the evolution of technical games research
THD Nguyen, E Melcer, A Canossa, K Isbister, MS El-Nasr
Entertainment Computing 26, 88-104, 2018
Modeling game avatar synergy and opposition through embedding in multiplayer online battle arena games
Z Chen, Y Xu, THD Nguyen, Y Sun, MS El-Nasr
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.10402, 2018
Interactive Visualization for Understanding of Attention Patterns
THD Nguyen, M Seif El-Nasr, DM Isaacowitz
Eye Tracking and Visualization, 2017
A Visual Analytic System for Comparing Attention Patterns in Eye-Tracking Data
THD Nguyen, M Richards, MS El-Nasr, DM Isaacowitz
First Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (ETVIS 2015), 2015
Teamwork and adaptation in games (TAG) a survey to gauge teamwork
C Harteveld, E Kleinman, P Rizzo, D Schouten, TH Nguyen, S Liberty, ...
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Foundations of …, 2019
Platform application visual analytics system
MS El-Nasr, A Canossa, THD Nguyen
US Patent App. 15/185,405, 2016
Bootstrapping Monte Carlo tree search with an imperfect heuristic
THD Nguyen, WS Lee, TY Leong
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2012
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