Wenzheng Chen
Wenzheng Chen
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Learning to predict 3d objects with an interpolation-based differentiable renderer
W Chen, H Ling, J Gao, E Smith, J Lehtinen, A Jacobson, S Fidler
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Get3d: A generative model of high quality 3d textured shapes learned from images
J Gao, T Shen, Z Wang, W Chen, K Yin, D Li, O Litany, Z Gojcic, S Fidler
Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 31841-31854, 2022
Extracting triangular 3d models, materials, and lighting from images
J Munkberg, J Hasselgren, T Shen, J Gao, W Chen, A Evans, T Müller, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Synthesizing training images for boosting human 3d pose estimation
W Chen, H Wang, Y Li, H Su, Z Wang, C Tu, D Lischinski, D Cohen-Or, ...
2016 Fourth International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 479-488, 2016
Fast interactive object annotation with curve-gcn
H Ling, J Gao, A Kar, W Chen, S Fidler
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Learning deformable tetrahedral meshes for 3d reconstruction
J Gao, W Chen, T Xiang, A Jacobson, M McGuire, S Fidler
Advances in neural information processing systems 33, 9936-9947, 2020
Learned feature embeddings for non-line-of-sight imaging and recognition
W Chen, F Wei, KN Kutulakos, S Rusinkiewicz, F Heide
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 39 (6), 1-18, 2020
Steady-state non-line-of-sight imaging
W Chen, S Daneau, F Mannan, F Heide
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Flexible Isosurface Extraction for Gradient-Based Mesh Optimization.
T Shen, J Munkberg, J Hasselgren, K Yin, Z Wang, W Chen, Z Gojcic, ...
ACM Trans. Graph. 42 (4), 37:1-37:16, 2023
Neural fields meet explicit geometric representations for inverse rendering of urban scenes
Z Wang, T Shen, J Gao, S Huang, J Munkberg, J Hasselgren, Z Gojcic, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Kaolin: A pytorch library for accelerating 3d deep learning research
KM Jatavallabhula, E Smith, JF Lafleche, CF Tsang, A Rozantsev, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.05063, 2019
DIB-R++: learning to predict lighting and material with a hybrid differentiable renderer
W Chen, J Litalien, J Gao, Z Wang, C Fuji Tsang, S Khamis, O Litany, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 22834-22848, 2021
Optimal structured light a la carte
P Mirdehghan, W Chen, KN Kutulakos
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
4d gaussian splatting: Towards efficient novel view synthesis for dynamic scenes
Y Duan, F Wei, Q Dai, Y He, W Chen, B Chen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.03307, 2024
Humangen: Generating human radiance fields with explicit priors
S Jiang, H Jiang, Z Wang, H Luo, W Chen, L Xu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Gavriel State, Jason Gorski, Tommy Xiang, Jianing Li, Michael Li, and Rev Lebaredian. Kaolin: A pytorch library for accelerating 3d deep learning research
CF Tsang, M Shugrina, JF Lafleche, T Takikawa, J Wang, C Loop, ...
Neural light field estimation for street scenes with differentiable virtual object insertion
Z Wang, W Chen, D Acuna, J Kautz, S Fidler
European Conference on Computer Vision, 380-397, 2022
Auto-tuning structured light by optical stochastic gradient descent
W Chen, P Mirdehghan, S Fidler, KN Kutulakos
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Hallucinating stereoscopy from a single image
Q Zeng, W Chen, H Wang, C Tu, D Cohen‐Or, D Lischinski, B Chen
Computer Graphics Forum 34 (2), 1-12, 2015
Kaolin: A pytorch library for accelerating 3d deep learning research
J Krishna Murthy, E Smith, JF Lafleche, CF Tsang, A Rozantsev, W Chen, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.05063 1, 2019
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