Andrew W Trites
Andrew W Trites
Professor of Marine Mammals, University of British Columbia
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Diet composition and trophic levels of marine mammals
D Pauly, AW Trites, E Capuli, V Christensen
ICES journal of Marine Science 55 (3), 467-481, 1998
Behavioural responses of killer whales (Orcinus orca) to whale-watching boats: opportunistic observations and experimental approaches
R Williams, AW Trites, DE Bain
Journal of Zoology 256 (2), 255-270, 2002
The decline of Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus in Alaska: a review of the nutritional stress hypothesis
AW Trites, CP Donnelly
Mammal review 33 (1), 3-28, 2003
Competition between fisheries and marine mammals for prey and primary production in the Pacific Ocean
AW Trites, V Christensen, D Pauly
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 22, 173-187, 1997
Molecular scatology as a tool to study diet: analysis of prey DNA in scats from captive Steller sea lions
BE Deagle, DJ Tollit, SN Jarman, MA Hindell, AW Trites, NJ Gales
Molecular Ecology 14 (6), 1831-1842, 2005
Ecological effects of regime shifts in the Bering Sea and eastern North Pacific Ocean
AJ Benson, AW Trites
Fish and Fisheries 3 (2), 95-113, 2002
Mapping world-wide distributions of marine mammal species using a relative environmental suitability (RES) model
K Kaschner, R Watson, AW Trites, D Pauly
Marine Ecology Progress Series 316, 285-310, 2006
Quantifying sequence proportions in a DNA‐based diet study using Ion Torrent amplicon sequencing: which counts count?
BE Deagle, AC Thomas, AK Shaffer, AW Trites, SN Jarman
Molecular Ecology Resources 13 (4), 620-633, 2013
Dietary analysis from fecal samples: how many scats are enough?
AW Trites, R Joy
Journal of Mammalogy 86 (4), 704-712, 2005
Prey patch patterns predict habitat use by top marine predators with diverse foraging strategies
KJ Benoit-Bird, BC Battaile, SA Heppell, B Hoover, D Irons, N Jones, ...
PloS one 8 (1), e53348, 2013
Quantitative DNA metabarcoding: improved estimates of species proportional biomass using correction factors derived from control material
AC Thomas, BE Deagle, JP Eveson, CH Harsch, AW Trites
Molecular ecology resources 16 (3), 714-726, 2016
Pollock and the decline of Steller sea lions: testing the junk-food hypothesis
DAS Rosen, AW Trites
Canadian Journal of Zoology 78 (7), 1243-1250, 2000
A bioenergetic model for estimating the food requirements of Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus in Alaska, USA
AJ Winship, AW Trites, DAS Rosen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 229, 291-312, 2002
Predictions of critical habitat for five whale species in the waters of coastal British Columbia
EJ Gregr, AW Trites
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58 (7), 1265-1285, 2001
Changes in the abundance of Steller sea lions(Eumetopias jubatus) in Alaska from 1956 to 1992: How many were there?
AW Trites, PA Larkin
Aquatic Mammals 22 (3), 153-166, 1996
Estimating mean body masses of marine mammals from maximum body lengths
AW Trites, D Pauly
Canadian Journal of Zoology 76 (5), 886-896, 1998
Ecosystem change and the decline of marine mammals in the Eastern Bering Sea: testing the ecosystem shift and commercial whaling hypotheses
AW Trites, PA Livingston, S Mackinson, M Vasconcellos, AM Springer, ...
Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, 1999
Behavioural responses of male killer whales to a ‘leapfrogging’vessel
R Williams, DE Bain, JKB Ford, AW Trites
J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 4 (3), 305-310, 2002
Bottom‐up forcing and the decline of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Alaska: assessing the ocean climate hypothesis
AW Trites, AJ Miller, HDG Maschner, MA Alexander, SJ Bograd, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 16 (1), 46-67, 2007
Comparison of fatty acid profiles of spawning and non-spawning Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi
MD Huynh, DD Kitts, C Hu, AW Trites
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2007
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