Christoph Mertz
Christoph Mertz
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Pcn: Point completion network
W Yuan, T Khot, D Held, C Mertz, M Hebert
2018 international conference on 3D vision (3DV), 728-737, 2018
Planning-based prediction for pedestrians
BD Ziebart, N Ratliff, G Gallagher, C Mertz, K Peterson, JA Bagnell, ...
2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2009
Pedestrian detection and tracking using three-dimensional ladar data
LE Navarro-Serment, C Mertz, M Hebert
The International Journal of Robotics Research 29 (12), 1516-1528, 2010
Moving object detection with laser scanners
C Mertz, LE Navarro‐Serment, R MacLachlan, P Rybski, A Steinfeld, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 30 (1), 17-43, 2013
Perception for collision avoidance and autonomous driving
R Aufrère, J Gowdy, C Mertz, C Thorpe, CC Wang, T Yata
Mechatronics 13 (10), 1149-1161, 2003
Crackformer: Transformer network for fine-grained crack detection
H Liu, X Miao, C Mertz, C Xu, H Kong
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Vision for road inspection
S Varadharajan, S Jose, K Sharma, L Wander, C Mertz
IEEE winter conference on applications of computer vision, 115-122, 2014
Multimodal object detection via probabilistic ensembling
YT Chen, J Shi, Z Ye, C Mertz, D Ramanan, S Kong
European Conference on Computer Vision, 139-158, 2022
Tracking of moving objects from a moving vehicle using a scanning laser rangefinder
R MacLachlan, C Mertz
2006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 301-306, 2006
Learning unsupervised multi-view stereopsis via robust photometric consistency
T Khot, S Agrawal, S Tulsiani, C Mertz, S Lucey, M Hebert
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.02706, 2019
Multiple sensor fusion for detecting location of curbs, walls, and barriers
R Aufrere, C Mertz, C Thorpe
IEEE IV2003 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Proceedings (Cat. No. 03TH8683 …, 2003
Eye-safe laser line striper for outside use
C Mertz, J Kozar, JR Miller, C Thorpe
Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2002. IEEE 2, 507-512, 2002
Iterative transformer network for 3d point cloud
W Yuan, D Held, C Mertz, M Hebert
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.11209, 2018
A low-power structured light sensor for outdoor scene reconstruction and dominant material identification
C Mertz, SJ Koppal, S Sia, S Narasimhan
2012 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2012
Crackformer network for pavement crack segmentation
H Liu, J Yang, X Miao, C Mertz, H Kong
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (9), 9240-9252, 2023
Lidar and monocular camera fusion: On-road depth completion for autonomous driving
C Fu, C Mertz, JM Dolan
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 273-278, 2019
Continuous road damage detection using regular service vehicles
C Mertz
Proceedings of the ITS world congress, 5-8, 2011
Safe robot driving in cluttered environments
C Thorpe, J Carlson, D Duggins, J Gowdy, R MacLachlan, C Mertz, ...
Robotics Research. The Eleventh International Symposium: With 303 Figures …, 2005
DeepDA: LSTM-based deep data association network for multi-targets tracking in clutter
H Liu, H Zhang, C Mertz
2019 22th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 1-8, 2019
LADAR-based pedestrian detection and tracking
LE Navarro-Serment, C Mertz, N Vandapel, M Hebert
Carnegie Mellon University, 2008
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