Anita Frehner
Anita Frehner
Senior Researcher at FiBL
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Circularity in animal production requires a change in the EAT-Lancet diet in Europe
B Van Selm, A Frehner, IJM De Boer, O Van Hal, R Hijbeek, ...
Nature Food 3 (1), 66-73, 2022
Circularity in Europe strengthens the sustainability of the global food system
HHE Van Zanten, W Simon, B Van Selm, J Wacker, TI Maindl, A Frehner, ...
Nature Food 4 (4), 320-330, 2023
Agroecological practices in combination with healthy diets can help meet EU food system policy targets
E Röös, A Mayer, A Muller, G Kalt, S Ferguson, KH Erb, R Hart, S Matej, ...
Science of The Total Environment 847, 157612, 2022
Consumer strategies towards a more sustainable food system: insights from Switzerland
A Frehner, IJM De Boer, A Muller, HHE Van Zanten, C Schader
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 115 (4), 1039-1047, 2022
How food choices link sociodemographic and lifestyle factors with sustainability impacts
A Frehner, HHE Van Zanten, C Schader, IJM De Boer, G Pestoni, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 300, 126896, 2021
The compatibility of circularity and national dietary recommendations for animal products in five European countries: a modelling analysis on nutritional feasibility, climate …
A Frehner, RPM Cardinaals, IJM de Boer, A Muller, C Schader, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 6 (6), e475-e483, 2022
Impacts of scaling up agroecology on the sustainability of European agriculture in 2050
A Mayer, G Kalt, L Kaufmann, E Röös, A Muller, R Weisshaidinger, ...
EuroChoices 21 (3), 27-36, 2022
Methodological choices drive differences in environmentally-friendly dietary solutions
A Frehner, A Muller, C Schader, IJM De Boer, HHE Van Zanten
Global Food Security 24, 100333, 2020
Costs and benefits of climate change in Switzerland
F Vöhringer, M Vielle, P Thalmann, A Frehner, W Knoke, D Stocker, ...
Climate Change Economics 10 (02), 1950005, 2019
Sustainable and healthy diets: Synergies and trade‐offs in Switzerland
B Kopainsky, A Frehner, A Müller
Systems Research and Behavioral Science 37 (6), 908-927, 2020
Circular food system approaches can support current European protein intake levels while reducing land use and greenhouse gas emissions
WJ Simon, R Hijbeek, A Frehner, R Cardinaals, EF Talsma, ...
Nature Food 5 (5), 402-412, 2024
Sustainable and healthy diets: Trade-offs and synergies
M Stolze, C Schader, A Müller, A Frehner, F Giuliani, B Kopainsky, ...
Final Scientific Report—NRP 69, 2019
Assessing the impacts of climate change for Switzerland
F Vöhringer, M Vielle, B Thurm, W Knoke, D Stocker, A Frehner, S Maire, ...
Land use modeling: from farm to food systems
HHE van Zanten, A Muller, A Frehner
Food Systems Modelling, 89-105, 2022
SOLm model documentation
A Müller, A Frehner, C Pfeifer, S Moakes, C Schader
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick, 2020
Nachhaltigkeit und Qualität biologischer Lebensmittel
U Kretzschmar, M Schleiffer, M Curran, H Dierauer, A Frehner, F Leiber, ...
Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FIBL, 2021
Sustainable and healthy diets: Trade-offs and synergies. Final scientific report
M Stolze, C Schader, A Muller, A Frehner, B Kopainsky, C Nathani, ...
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick, 2019
Balancing animal-source food intake between nutritional requirements and sustainability impacts
A Frehner
PQDT-Global, 2021
The compatibility of animal-sourced food and circularity in healthy European diets
B van Selm, A Frehner, I de Boer, O van Hal, R Hijbeek, M van Ittersum, ...
Combining recent nutritional data with prospective cohorts to quantify the impact of modern dietary patterns on disability–adjusted life years: A feasibility study
JP Krieger, G Pestoni, A Frehner, C Schader, D Faeh, S Rohrmann
Nutrients 12 (3), 833, 2020
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