Hongzhou Yang
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Evaluation and analysis of real-time precise orbits and clocks products from different IGS analysis centers
L Zhang, H Yang, Y Gao, Y Yao, C Xu
Advances in Space Research 61 (12), 2942-2954, 2018
An approach to GPS clock prediction for real-time PPP during outages of RTS stream
Z Nie, Y Gao, Z Wang, S Ji, H Yang
GPS solutions 22, 1-14, 2018
Quality assessment of CNES real-time ionospheric products
Z Nie, H Yang, P Zhou, Y Gao, Z Wang
GPS Solutions 23, 1-15, 2019
Analysis of GPS satellite clock prediction performance with different update intervals and application to real-time PPP
H Yang, C Xu, Y Gao
Survey review 51 (364), 43-52, 2019
Simulation and results on real-time positioning of Chang'E-3 rover with the same-beam VLBI observations
E Wei, S Jin, H Yang, X Li, H Gu, Z Li, J Li, K Matsumoto, J Liu
Planetary and Space Science 84, 20-27, 2013
GPS satellite orbit prediction at user end for real-time PPP system
H Yang, Y Gao
Sensors 17 (9), 1981, 2017
Estimation of GPS LNAV based on IGS products for real-time PPP
P Zhou, H Yang, G Xiao, L Du, Y Gao
GPS Solutions 23, 1-14, 2019
A new datum jump detection and mitigation method of Real-Time Service (RTS) clock products
L Zhang, H Yang, Y Yao, Y Gao, C Xu
GPS Solutions 23, 1-12, 2019
Testing and analysis of instant PPP using freely available augmentation corrections
M Elsheikh, H Yang, Z Nie, F Liu, Y Gao
Proceedings of the 31st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite …, 2018
IP3/DR-A low-cost precise and robust GNSS/INS integrated navigation system for land vehicles
H Yang, H Lan, F Liu, Y Gao, N Elsheimy
2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring), 1-5, 2020
A new satellite clock offsets prediction method based on the IGS RTS products
H Yang, Y Gao, L Zhang, Z Nie
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2018 Proceedings: Volume II …, 2018
Regional TEC modelling based on combined GPS/BeiDou
H Yang, Y Gao
Proceedings of the 28th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite …, 2015
Evaluation of the Multi-GNSS, Dual-Frequency RTK Positioning Performance for Recent Android Smartphone Models in a Phone-to-Phone Setup
R Odolinski, H Yang, LT Hsu, M Khider, GM Fu, D Dusha
Proceedings of the 2024 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of …, 2024
Hopular-based GNSS signal reception classification method for LOS/NLOS detection in urban environments
Z Zhou, D Stefanakis, B Liu, H Yang
Proceedings of the 36th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite …, 2023
A consistent and grid-based regional slant ionospheric model with an increasing number of satellite corrections for PPP-RTK
S Lyu, Y Xiang, Y Zhang, H Yang, L Pei, W Yu, TK Turong
GPS Solutions 27 (3), 97, 2023
High availability of real-time PPP by extending SSR orbit and clock corrections
H Yang
Proceedings of the 30th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite …, 2017
TEC extraction with different schemes to model DCB under various ionosphere conditions
Y Xiang, Y Gao, X Chen, H Yang
Proceedings of the 28th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite …, 2015
Integrated Precise Positioning System for Autonomous Level II Driving Offering Lane Level Accuracy
H Lan, H Yang, YB Sarvrood, F Liu, A Wahdan
China Satellite Navigation Conference, 723-739, 2020
Development of a new real-time precise point positioning system
H Yang
Development 2018, 03-14, 2018
Keynote: Analysis of the Extended Orbit and Clock Corrections for Real-Time PPP
H Yang, Y Gao, C Xu, Z Nie
Proceedings of the ION 2017 Pacific PNT Meeting, 653-658, 2017
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