Denis Blackmore
Denis Blackmore
Professor of Mathematical Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology
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The sweep-envelope differential equation algorithm and its application to NC machining verification
D Blackmore, MC Leu, LP Wang
Computer-Aided Design 29 (9), 629-637, 1997
Swept volumes: fundation, perspectives, and applications
K Abdel-Malek, J Yang, D Blackmore, K Joy
International Journal of Shape Modeling 12 (01), 87-127, 2006
Nonlinear dynamical systems of mathematical physics: spectral and symplectic integrability analysis
D Blackmore, AK Prykarpatsky, VH Samoylenko
World Scientific, 2011
A perspective on vibration-induced size segregation of granular materials
AD Rosato, DL Blackmore, N Zhang, Y Lan
Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2), 265-275, 2002
Fractal geometry model for wear prediction
GY Zhou, MC Leu, D Blackmore
Wear 170 (1), 1-14, 1993
Virtual reality system for creation of design models and generation of numerically controlled machining trajectories
B Maiteh, M Leu, D Blackmore
US Patent App. 09/770,929, 2002
Analysis of swept volume via Lie groups and differential equations
D Blackmore, MC Leu
The International Journal of Robotics Research 11 (6), 516-537, 1992
Transient and steady state of a rising bubble in a viscoelastic fluid
SB Pillapakkam, P Singh, D Blackmore, N Aubry
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 589, 215-252, 2007
Analysis of the solutions of coupled nonlinear fractional reaction–diffusion equations
V Gafiychuk, B Datsko, V Meleshko, D Blackmore
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 41 (3), 1095-1104, 2009
Analysis and modelling of deformed swept volumes
D Blackmore, MC Leu, F Shih
Computer-Aided Design 26 (4), 315-326, 1994
Mathematical modeling of the movement of suspended particles subjected to acoustic and flow fields
N Aboobaker, D Blackmore, J Meegoda
Applied Mathematical Modelling 29 (6), 515-532, 2005
Trimming swept volumes
D Blackmore, R Samulyak, MC Leu
Computer-Aided Design 31 (3), 215-223, 1999
A new fractal model for anisotropic surfaces
D Blackmore, G Zhou
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 38 (5-6), 551-557, 1998
Application of flows and envelopes to NC machining
D Blackmore, MC Leu, KK Wang
CIRP annals 41 (1), 493-496, 1992
Fractal geometry modeling with applications in surface characterisation and wear prediction
G Zhou, M Leu, D Blackmore
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 35 (2), 203-209, 1995
A differential equation approach to swept volumes
D Blackmore, MC Leu
1990 Rensselaer's Second International Conference on Computer Integrated …, 1990
Swept volume: a retrospective and prospective view
D Blackmore, MC Leu, LP Wang, H Jiang
Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations 5 (1-2), 81-102, 1997
Generating swept solids for NC verification using the SEDE method
L Wang, MC Leu, D Blackmore
Proceedings of the fourth ACM symposium on Solid modeling and applications …, 1997
Dynamical properties of discrete Lotka–Volterra equations
D Blackmore, J Chen, J Perez, M Savescu
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 12 (13), 2553-2568, 2001
On swept volume formulations: implicit surfaces
K Abdel-Malek, J Yang, D Blackmore
Computer-Aided Design 33 (1), 113-121, 2001
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