Volker Walter
Volker Walter
Head of Geoinformatics Research Group, Institute for Photogrammetry, University of Stuttgart
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Object-based classification of remote sensing data for change detection
V Walter
ISPRS Journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 58 (3-4), 225-238, 2004
Matching spatial data sets: a statistical approach
V Walter, D Fritsch
International Journal of geographical information science 13 (5), 445-473, 1999
Linking objects of different spatial data sets by integration and aggregation
M Sester, KH Anders, V Walter
GeoInformatica 2, 335-358, 1998
Zuordnung von raumbezogenen Daten: am Beispiel von ATKIS und GDF
V Walter
Stuttgart, Univ., Diss., 1996, 1997
Automatic classification of urban environments for database revision using lidar and color aerial imagery
N Haala, V Walter
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 32 (Part 7), 4-3, 1999
Automatic verification of GIS data using high resolution multispectral data
V Walter, D Fritsch
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 32, 485-490, 1998
Linking different geospatial databases by explicit relations
S Volz, V Walter
Proceedings of the XXth ISPRS Congress, Comm. IV, Istanbul, Turkey, 152-157, 2004
Shortest path analyses in raster maps for pedestrian navigation in location based systems
V Walter, M Kada, H Chen
International Symposium on “Geospatial Databases for Sustainable Development …, 2006
Automatic change detection of GIS databases based on classification of multispectral data
V Walter
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 33 (B4/3; PART 4 …, 2000
Quality evaluation of generalization algorithms
Y Filippovska, V Walter, D Fritsch
ISPRS Commission II, WG II 7, 2008
Automatic interpretation of digital maps
V Walter, F Luo
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66 (4), 519-528, 2011
Object-based classification of integrated multispectral and LIDAR data for change detection and quality control in urban areas
V Walter
Proceedings of URBAN 2005/URS 2005, 14-16, 2005
Automated GIS data collection and update
V Walter
Photogrammetric Week 99, 267-280, 1999
Object-based evaluation of LIDAR and multispectral data for automatic change detection in GIS databases
V Walter
XXth ISPRS Congress, 12-23, 2004
Automated revsion of GIS databases
V Walter, D Fritsch
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic …, 2000
Revision of topographic databases by satellite images
B Petzold, V Walter
Sensors and mapping from space, 9, 1999
Comparison of ATKIS and GDF data structures
D Fritsch, V Walter
Symposium on Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Engineering, 20-22, 1998
Quality inspection and quality improvement of large spatial datasets
H Chen, V Walter
Proceedings of the GSDI 11 World Conference: Spatial Data Infrastructure …, 2009
Matching strategies for integration of spatial data from different sources
V Walter, D Fritsch
International Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS 25, 26, 1997
Remembering both the machine and the crowd when sampling points: Active learning for semantic segmentation of ALS point clouds
M Kölle, V Walter, S Schmohl, U Soergel
Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges: Virtual …, 2021
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