Min Sung Seo
Min Sung Seo
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Cross-layer balance of visuo-hippocampal functional connectivity is associated with episodic memory recognition accuracy
WT Chang, S Langella, MS Seo, K Huynh, PT Yap, W Lin, K Giovanello
Hippocampal Subfield and Whole-Brain Activity During Mnemonic Discrimination Across the Adult Lifespan
MS Seo
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2023
Feasibility of whole-brain functional MRI with 1-mm isotropic resolution at 3T
WT Chang, S Langella, MS Seo, W Lin, K Giovanello
Brainwide functional networks associated with hippocampal subfields during memory task using fMRI with 1-mm isotropic resolution
WT Chang, S Langella, K Huynh, MS Seo, PT Yap, W Lin, KS Giovanello
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