mo jamshidi
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Global reconstruction of the human metabolic network based on genomic and bibliomic data
NC Duarte, SA Becker, N Jamshidi, I Thiele, ML Mo, TD Vo, R Srivas, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (6), 1777-1782, 2007
Time-delay systems: analysis, optimization and applications
M Malek-Zavarei, M Jamshidi
Elsevier Science Inc., 1987
Soft computing and intelligent systems design: theory, tools and applications
FO Karray, CW De Silva
Pearson Education, 2004
System of systems engineering: innovations for the 21st century
M Jamshidi
Deakin University, 2008
Fuzzy logic and control: software and hardware applications, vol. 2
M Jamshidi, N Vadiee, T Ross
Pearson Education, 1993
Systems of systems engineering: principles and applications
M Jamshidi
CRC press, 2017
The paradoxical success of fuzzy logic
C Elkan, HR Berenji, B Chandrasekaran, CJS De Silva, Y Attikiouzel, ...
IEEE expert 9 (4), 3-49, 1994
Intelligent control systems using soft computing methodologies
A Zilouchian, M Jamshidi
CRC press, 2001
Techno-economic analysis and size optimization of an off-grid hybrid photovoltaic, fuel cell and diesel generator system
M Jamshidi, A Askarzadeh
Sustainable Cities and Society 44, 310-320, 2019
Prediction of cloud data center networks loads using stochastic and neural models
JJ Prevost, KM Nagothu, B Kelley, M Jamshidi
2011 6th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, 276-281, 2011
Fuzzy logic and probability applications: bridging the gap
TJ Ross, JM Booker, WJ Parkinson
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2002
System of systems engineering-New challenges for the 21st century
MO Jamshidi
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 23 (5), 4-19, 2008
Mobile robot navigation and target tracking system
P Benavidez, M Jamshidi
2011 6th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, 299-304, 2011
Robust control systems with genetic algorithms
M Jamshidi, RA Krohling, LS Coelho, PJ Fleming
CRC Press, 2018
A modified probabilistic neural network for partial volume segmentation in brain MR image
T Song, MM Jamshidi, RR Lee, M Huang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 18 (5), 1424-1432, 2007
System-of-systems engineering-a definition
M Jamshidi
IEEE SMC 2005, 10-12, 2005
Distributed bees algorithm for task allocation in swarm of robots
A Jevtic, A Gutiérrez, D Andina, M Jamshidi
IEEE Systems Journal 6 (2), 296-304, 2011
Mining method selection by AHP approach
M Ataei, M Jamshidi, F Sereshki, SME Jalali
Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 108 (12 …, 2008
Fuzzy logic based collision avoidance for a mobile robot
A Martinez, E Tunstel, M Jamshidi
Robotica 12 (6), 521-527, 1994
Soft computing for autonomous robotic systems
MR Akbarzadeh-T, K Kumbla, E Tunstel, M Jamshidi
Computers & Electrical Engineering 26 (1), 5-32, 2000
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