Shigeru Obayashi
Shigeru Obayashi
Institute of Fluid Sciecne, Tohoku University
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Convergence acceleration of a Navier-Stokes solver for efficient static aeroelastic computations
S Obayashi, GP Guruswamy
AIAA journal 33 (6), 1134-1141, 1995
Transonic axial-flow blade optimization: Evolutionary algorithms/three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver
A Oyama, MS Liou, S Obayashi
Journal of Propulsion and Power 20 (4), 612-619, 2004
Visualization and data mining of Pareto solutions using self-organizing map
S Obayashi, D Sasaki
International conference on evolutionary multi-criterion optimization, 796-809, 2003
Flowfield of a lifting rotor in hover-A Navier-Stokes simulation
GR Srinivasan, JD Baeder, S Obayashi, WJ McCroskey
AIAA journal 30 (10), 2371-2378, 1992
Efficient search for trade-offs by adaptive range multi-objective genetic algorithms
D Sasaki, S Obayashi
Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication 2 (1), 44-64, 2005
Numerical simulation of the integrated space shuttle vehicle in ascent
P Buning, I Chiu, S Obayashi, Y Rizk, J Steger
15th Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 4359, 1988
Multiobjective evolutionary computation for supersonic wing-shape optimization
S Obayashi, D Sasaki, Y Takeguchi, N Hirose
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 4 (2), 182-187, 2000
Genetic optimization of target pressure distributions for inverse design methods
S Obayashi, S Takanashi
AIAA journal 34 (5), 881-886, 1996
Data mining for aerodynamic design space
S Jeong, K Chiba, S Obayashi
Journal of aerospace computing, information, and communication 2 (11), 452-469, 2005
Multiobjective design study of a flapping wing power generator
E Shimizu, K Isogai, S Obayashi
Journal of Fluids Engineering 130 (2), 021104, 2008
Efficient global optimization (EGO) for multi-objective problem and data mining
S Jeong, S Obayashi
2005 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation 3, 2138-2145, 2005
A data assimilation methodology for reconstructing turbulent flows around aircraft
H Kato, A Yoshizawa, G Ueno, S Obayashi
Journal of Computational Physics 283, 559-581, 2015
Real-coded adaptive range genetic algorithm applied to transonic wing optimization
A Oyama, S Obayashi, T Nakamura
Applied Soft Computing 1 (3), 179-187, 2001
Practical applications of new LU-ADI scheme for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes computation of transonic viscous flows
K Fujii, S Obayashi
24th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 513, 1986
Aerodynamic optimization of supersonic transport wing using unstructured adjoint method
HJ Kim, D Sasaki, S Obayashi, K Nakahashi
AIAA journal 39 (6), 1011-1020, 2001
Comparison of optimization algorithms for aerodynamic shape design
S Obayashi, T Tsukahara
AIAA journal 35 (8), 1413-1415, 1997
Development and investigation of efficient GA/PSO-hybrid algorithm applicable to real-world design optimization
S Jeong, S Hasegawa, K Shimoyama, S Obayashi
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 4 (3), 36-44, 2009
Navier-Stokes optimization of supersonic wings with four objectives using evolutionary algorithm
D Sasaki, S Obayashi, K Nakahashi
Journal of Aircraft 39 (4), 621-629, 2002
Multi-objective design exploration for aerodynamic configurations
S Obayashi, S Jeong, K Chiba
35th AIAA fluid dynamics conference and exhibit, 4666, 2005
Improvements in efficiency and reliability for Navier-Stokes computations using the LU-ADI factorization algorithm
S Obayashi, K Kuwahara, K Fujii, K Matsushima
24th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 338, 1986
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