Isao Yamada
Isao Yamada
Professor, Department of Communications and Computer Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
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Tensor completion and low-n-rank tensor recovery via convex optimization
S Gandy, B Recht, I Yamada
Inverse problems 27 (2), 025010, 2011
The hybrid steepest descent method for the variational inequality problem over the intersection of fixed point sets of nonexpansive mappings
I Yamada
Inherently parallel algorithms in feasibility and optimization and their …, 2001
Diffusion least-mean squares with adaptive combiners: Formulation and performance analysis
N Takahashi, I Yamada, AH Sayed
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58 (9), 4795-4810, 2010
Hybrid steepest descent method for variational inequality problem over the fixed point set of certain quasi-nonexpansive mappings
I Yamada, N Ogura
Taylor & Francis Group 25 (7-8), 619-655, 2005
Minimizing certain convex functions over the intersection of the fixed point sets of nonexpansive mappings
F Deutsch, I Yamada
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 19 (1), 33-56, 1998
Adaptive learning in a world of projections
S Theodoridis, K Slavakis, I Yamada
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 28 (1), 97-123, 2010
Adaptive projected subgradient method for asymptotic minimization of sequence of nonnegative convex functions
I Yamada, N Ogura
Taylor & Francis Group 25 (7-8), 593-617, 2005
An efficient robust adaptive filtering algorithm based on parallel subgradient projection techniques
I Yamada, K Slavakis, K Yamada
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 50 (5), 1091-1101, 2002
Cartoon-texture image decomposition using blockwise low-rank texture characterization
S Ono, T Miyata, I Yamada
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (3), 1128-1142, 2014
Online kernel-based classification using adaptive projection algorithms
K Slavakis, S Theodoridis, I Yamada
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (7), 2781-2796, 2008
Compositions and convex combinations of averaged nonexpansive operators
PL Combettes, I Yamada
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 425 (1), 55-70, 2015
Minimizing the Moreau envelope of nonsmooth convex functions over the fixed point set of certain quasi-nonexpansive mappings
I Yamada, M Yukawa, M Yamagishi
Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 345-390, 2011
A use of conjugate gradient direction for the convex optimization problem over the fixed point set of a nonexpansive mapping
H Iiduka, I Yamada
SIAM Journal on Optimization 19 (4), 1881-1893, 2009
A sparse adaptive filtering using time-varying soft-thresholding techniques
Y Murakami, M Yamagishi, M Yukawa, I Yamada
2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2010
Robust wideband beamforming by the hybrid steepest descent method
K Slavakis, I Yamada
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (9), 4511-4522, 2007
A numerically robust hybrid steepest descent method for the convexly constrained generalized inverse problems
I Yamada, N Ogura, N Shirakawa
Contemporary Mathematics 313, 269-305, 2002
The adaptive projected subgradient method over the fixed point set of strongly attracting nonexpansive mappings
K Slavakis, I Yamada, N Ogura
Numerical functional analysis and optimization 27 (7-8), 905-930, 2006
Quadratic optimization of fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in hubert space
I Yamada, N Ogura, K Sakaniwa
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 19 (1-2), 165-190, 1998
A subgradient-type method for the equilibrium problem over the fixed point set and its applications
H Iiduka, I Yamada
Optimization 58 (2), 251-261, 2009
Non-strictly convex minimization over the fixed point set of an asymptotically shrinking nonexpansive mapping
N Ogura, I Yamada
Taylor & Francis Group 23 (1-2), 113-137, 2002
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