Jason R. W. Merrick
Jason R. W. Merrick
Professor of Supply Chain Management and Analytics, Virginia Commonwealth University
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Leading indicators of safety in virtual organizations
M Grabowski, P Ayyalasomayajula, J Merrick, JR Harrald, K Roberts
Safety Science 45 (10), 1013-1043, 2007
Using system simulation to model the impact of human error in a maritime system
JR Harrald, TA Mazzuchi, J Spahn, R Van Dorp, J Merrick, S Shrestha, ...
Safety science 30 (1-2), 235-247, 1998
A traffic density analysis of proposed ferry service expansion in San Francisco Bay using a maritime simulation model
JRW Merrick, JR Van Dorp, JP Blackford, GL Shaw, J Harrald, ...
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 81 (2), 119-132, 2003
A risk management procedure for the Washington State Ferries
JR Van Dorp, JRW Merrick, JR Harrald, TA Mazzuchi, M Grabowski
Risk Analysis 21 (1), 127-142, 2001
Speaking the truth in maritime risk assessment
JRW Merrick, R Van Dorp
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 26 (1), 223-237, 2006
Accident precursors and safety nets: leading indicators of tanker operations safety
M Grabowski, P Ayyalasomayajula, J Merrick, D Mccafferty
Maritime Policy & Management 34 (5), 405-425, 2007
Risk modeling in distributed, large-scale systems
M Grabowski, JRW Merrick, JR Harrold, TA Massuchi, JD Van Dorp
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-part A: Systems and …, 2000
The Prince William sound risk assessment
JRW Merrick, JR Van Dorp, T Mazzuchi, JR Harrald, JE Spahn, ...
Interfaces 32 (6), 25-40, 2002
On a risk management analysis of oil spill risk using maritime transportation system simulation
JR van Dorp, JRW Merrick
Annals of Operations Research 187, 249-277, 2011
A systems approach to managing oil transportation risk in Prince William Sound
JRW Merrick, JR van Dorp, J Harrald, T Mazzuchi, JE Spahn, ...
Systems Engineering 3 (3), 128-142, 2000
A comparative analysis of PRA and intelligent adversary methods for counterterrorism risk management
J Merrick, GS Parnell
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 31 (9), 1488-1510, 2011
A Bayesian paired comparison approach for relative accident probability assessment with covariate information
P Szwed, JR Van Dorp, JRW Merrick, TA Mazzuchi, A Singh
European Journal of Operational Research 169 (1), 157-177, 2006
Assessing uncertainty in simulation‐based maritime risk assessment
JRW Merrick, JR Van Dorp, V Dinesh
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 25 (3), 731-743, 2005
A multiple-objective decision analysis of stakeholder values to identify watershed improvement needs
JRW Merrick, GS Parnell, J Barnett, M Garcia
Decision Analysis 2 (1), 44-57, 2005
A Bayesian semiparametric analysis of the reliability and maintenance of machine tools
JRW Merrick, R Soyer, TA Mazzuchi
Technometrics 45 (1), 58-69, 2003
Sailing on friday: Developing the link between safety culture and performance in safety-critical systems
M Grabowski, Z You, H Song, H Wang, JRW Merrick
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2009
Using value-focused thinking to improve watersheds
JRW Merrick, MW Garcia
Journal of the American Planning Association 70 (3), 313-327, 2004
Is screening cargo containers for smuggled nuclear threats worthwhile?
JRW Merrick, LA McLay
Decision Analysis 7 (2), 155-171, 2010
Modeling risk in the dynamic environment of maritime transportation
JRW Merrick, JR van Dorp
Proceeding of the 2001 Winter Simulation Conference (Cat. No. 01CH37304) 2 …, 2001
A Hellinger distance approach to MCMC diagnostics
EL Boone, JRW Merrick, MJ Krachey
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 84 (4), 833-849, 2014
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